Saturday, July 26, 2008

VBS was good and we had three saved. The next week our Teens went to camp, they had a good time and many decisions were made for Christ. 8 were saved and many surrendered to do what ever God wanted them to. The girls played a prank on the boys that was really funny, they made some homemade Oreo's, but the filling was toothpaste. The boy's said it tasted pretty funny. I'm down to babysitting one child, part time, but I'm still busy, taking classes for the next year of taxseason, trying to teach Mysia to read and caring for Malachi. Speaking of Malachi, that little guy is growing fast, he started walking on Father's day and now the only time he crawls is if he falls down and needs something to pull himself up on.
Unfortunatly, when God does something good, Satan is also at work. A couple of our friends have been atacked recently, and we covet your prayers, with us, for them. It's hard to know what to say in these situations, because we want everyone we know to be praying, but we also don't want to be spreading rumors or add fuel to the fire. So just pray, pray, pray that God will get the victory in this situation, and that He will comfort the people involved.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Well, folks it been a busy couple of weeks and this week is going to be even busier, as we have VBS this week. But I wanted to take a few moments to write about all the things that have been happening in our lives. First of all I am no longer babysitting full time, the parents of my fulltime baby decided they wanted him in a different setting with more personalized care. But, God is good and he gave me a new family to sit for. 2 children, curently, number 3's due any day now, 3 days a week. This gives me a few days to take my kids to the park or the library, hang out with other moms, ect. Also the children are 4 and 2 so they are able to do things with Mysia which is a big help so she doesn't feel left out because Mommy has to take care of the babies all the time, I'm really enjoying the new "job".
We took a short vacation the last of June and went to the Laura Ingles Wilder Home in Mansfield, and hung around home. We also went to an English Country Dance, hosted by one of the local homeschool families. There was a great turn out and it was a blast, I loved learning the old time dances and had a wonderful time. It's a great workout, and I was out of breath at the end of most of them. We are looking forward to the next one.
Matt and I are going to become Aunt and Uncle for the first time, later this year (or early next year). Matt's brother Ben and wife Ana are expecting their first. We are all excited and can't wait to see if it will be a boy or girl, ... or twins. Mysia and Malachi are excited to get a little cousin.
Well, not much else to report. The kids and I went to the park today, and played in the water. One of our down town parks has a water fountain creek and water fall for the kids to play in. It was very beautiful, the kids are exausted and crashed almost as soon as we got home, leaving me to check email and update the blog in peace and quiet. I'm sure I won't get a chance to write anymore this week but I'll try and update it next week and tell all about VBS.
