Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week Rundown (02/19/12-02/25/12


This afternoon I worked on restoring my laptop back to factory settings. It was dragging due to the multiple programs I had installed on it, and since I say how easy it was with my mother-in-law's laptop yesterday... I figured it was worth it.

After evening services, we attended birthday and anniversary dinner fellowship.


Since today was a holiday, Mysia went to the Boy's & Girls Club instead of school. She enjoyed the day there.

For the evening, we watched Netflix, and ate supper. I left the kids with Lydia and attended quartet practice. By the time I got home, they were in bed and Lydia was working on homework.


This evening was a nice time at home. Mysia worked on her homework. After supper, I let Mysia and Malachi take turners playing some educational games on the laptop.


Today was nice, and we had a good evening services. Mysia had a few pages left on her homework, so we made sure she accomplished them before bed. Malachi was an active little dude. He wasn't ready for sleep.


After getting home, we allowed the kids to play on their scooters on the driveway for a while. It was a great way to get them wore out. Once the sun went down, it got cold, so we headed inside and got supper going. We spent the evening together as family time before putting the kids to bed. 


We enjoyed the evening... Lydia worked a little later, so I picked up the kids and let them play on their scooters until Lydia got home. Just like last night, we spent the evening together as family. This time, I picked the movie "Hook" from NetFlix. It was one of my favorites when a kid, but I wondered how they'd take to it. At first, they were a bit frightened, but toward the middle, they really got into it. Lydia and I had fun watching their expressions during specific parts.


We got up and got the house in order. I told the kids that they could play outside if their rooms were picked up... it worked! Lydia had to go into work, so it was the kids and I for the afternoon. We enjoyed the nice weather outside as they played. Lunch and nap-time went well. After naps, we watched 'the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog' until Lydia came home. We had supper and then I went grocery shopping.


Friday, February 24, 2012

Finding Time...

Sometimes it's difficult to find time to do anything, but everything else is taking it up! I know that sounds confusing, but it is true. Our lives are so full of everything that we fail to find time to do anything...

One of my goals for the past few months has been to focus spending more time with my kids before they go to bed. Not just watching tv or playing games, but to interact. I'll try and find time to talk and see what's going on. I ask about school and daycare, what they did, what they ate, and how the day has been. 

I'll often ask them about other things too, like what they think of something they've seen or done. It's amazing what things they'll come up with. We even use what we've seen on tv, or what someone has said.

One of our favorite things to watch as a family is America's Funniest Home Videos. Both kids love it. It has served as a great learning program too.... of what NOT to do. For example, they were showing a guy getting ready to jump off the roof of a house onto a trampoline. Malachi quickly commented, "He's not smart!" Yes... we've seen that scenario so many times. Perhaps it will cause them to think before they act. A parent can only hope!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

When I Feel Frustrated

At times, I get frustrated. We all do. Everybody gets that feeling, and they all deal with it in different ways. Thanks to the internet (facebook, twitter, blogs), people use it as a tool to dish out or air their frustration. Although it may give some temporary relief, its can come back to haunt you. Plus, there is a great chance to hurt friendships and how people think of you.

Now when it comes to frustration, I tend to hide it. You may never know unless you’re around me a great length of time during a time of frustration over a matter. Lydia is probably the only person who can tell when I’m deeply troubled over something.

When it comes to a project I’m working on, I tend to take a ‘time out’ and walk away, putting my mind on something else. That tends to be the best option.

People, and their actions, tend to cause frustration as well. Especially thanks to social media like facebook. Some of the things people do, say, and write can get me frustrated. I often want to tell others “THINK!!!!!” Instead, I will write my thoughts down... most often in blog format. I’ll then wait a few days, re-read it, think it over, and then take one of two actions: delete it or post it. I tend to delete it. However, there have been a few times that a reoccurring frustrations will end up becoming blog posts. Those rants have usually been well thought over before posted.

How do you deal with frustration?


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Album Review: “Here We Are Again” (2012) - Ernie Haase & Signature Sound

Ernie sent the radio station a few per-release copies of this album for us employees... a great benefit for a Southern Gospel nut like me! Hey, I’ll gladly take any music.

Now before I start out, I’ll admit that I’m not the biggest fan of Signature Sound, but do enjoy several of their songs and I own most of their albums.

This new album has received quite a bit of talk on other websites and blogs, I was anxious to hear it. I read the reviews and comments. All made a great ‘hype’ as something that an individual just has to find out himself if he likes it or not.

I found that this CD is such a mixture of styles, I can’t regard it as a traditional southern gospel album. In fact, there are a few songs on there that I don’t even think fits under the genre at all.

One for song example, “Every Time”, is so unique and different, I can’t even place what genre it falls under. It’s like something that would be on “Glee”... I’m not saying I don’t like the song either. I find it fun, and will definitely have it in a playlist for my vehicle when driving. However, it is definitely not ‘southern gospel’.

Any Other Man” is anther song that some are claiming they like. To me, it feels like you’re a part of a rock concert. It just doesn’t fit my taste. I guess the song is good in it’s own right, but again, it doesn’t fit under the genre.

There is another song that drew my interest in this album was the remake of “Stand By Me”. As a bass singer... I was intrigued. However, I’m actually disappointed in this version. It just doesn’t measure up, like it’s lacking. On the same note, I also didn’t care for “I Believe” as well. It sounds like a ballad pulled from a musical.

Overall, “Here We Are Again” is not something I’ll pull out and play a lot. But it does offer variety.

Top Favorite: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Listening While Driving: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; Every Time
Song I’ll Sing Along With The Most: Stand By Me
Unique Pick: Every Time
Songs I Might Skip: Any Other Man, I Believe

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week Rundown (02/12/12-02/18/12


I ran vans, and we had great morning services at church. In the afternoon, we took naps and then enjoyed another good evening service.


It snowed ...all day!!! I traded my time f morning exercise with shoveling the driveway and cleaning off the vehicles. .The kids were excited to be able to wear their snow-boots to school and daycare.

After supper I took the kids and Abigail to my work.... to sled! The radio station is built on built on a steep hill that is fantastic when it snows. In fact, both kids were on the sled, going so fast I almost wondered how they were going to slow down.

Once we got home, the kids were given showers and put to bed. Lydia decided to give me my Valentine's gift a day earlier. She surprised me with a Nook Color that had been rooted with the Droid OS! She did a great job. I had no clue. Needless to say, I was excited. I spent the rest of the night installing apps and getting familiar with the device!


Ahh... the day of "love"! There were so many things going on today I was excited it had finally came. After what Lydia surprised me with yesterday, I was happy that I was able to return it with my own surprise! I had ordered a singing telegram to be brought to her at her office by the Sho-Me Statesmen. They showed up in tuxedos and sang two love songs to her in barbershop quartet fashion! Needless to say, she was a bit embarrassed... lol!

For lunch, I picked her up and we went out on a dinner-date to Olive garden. It was a nice idea since the kids were at school and daycare, and we didn't have to worry about a babysitter.

For the evening, we helped Mysia worked on her homework while Malachi played. Once they were put to bed, Lydia and I ate a late dinner and spent the evening together cuddled up watching NetFlix! LOL


Even though it rained, it turned out to be a pretty good day. After work, we ate real quick and headed to church.


Tonight became family night. We ate, played games, and spent the evening together. The kids took turns playing some games on my laptop while the other one was taking showers.


Since working at the radio station, I get some perks. Lydia and I got to take part in KWFC's Branson Night Out to see the "IT Show". It's a variety show put on by the Hughes Brothers and their families. Wow... what a show!


Lydia went into work for the first part of the day, so the kids and I worked on cleaning rooms and straightening the house. We were able to play several games on the Wii before lunch and naps.

Me-Maw (Paulette) came over for a visit and I was able to get her laptop restored back to the factory settings. It was giving her troubles. Abigail also stopped in for a visit, and the kids played Super Mario Brothers and Mario Kart with her.

Before bed, I gave the kids baths. Usually they have showers, so this was a bit special and "fun". Malachi exclaimed, "This is the best day ever!"


Friday, February 17, 2012

Mysia: Crazy Hat

Yup... she's my daughter alright! Last week, when picking her up to go home, she had this hat on. It was something she made at school. She was proud of it, and not embarrassed! Reminds me of some of the things I own that are a bit crazy....


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Springfield is "Romantic"?

Okay, this caught my eye. It appears that Springfield, MO has made the list of "Most Romantic Cities In The US" by Amazon.com

In fact, it made number 3! That's surprising to me in some aspects. Of course, it's all based on the readership of the residents. It appears that it's all based on the sales data of romance novels and relationship books, etc. 

Something to think about though... is it likely that these cities listed more interested in "romantic" things, because they're actually lacking it?


Monday, February 13, 2012

Week Rundown (02/05/12-02/11/12


I was tired. But I made it into church! For the afternoon, we took naps.

After the evening service, we came home and got the kids ready for bed. I'm not much into Superbowl, but seen the ending of it... looks like I didn't miss much! ha!


This morning, I burnt bacon in preparation for the potato soup that makes in the crock-pot. That was disappointing! I was able to stop by the store and get some more to put in this evening.

I had quartet practice this evening. We worked on some new arrangements.
qt practice


This evening was spent at home. Mysia worked her homework. She's pretty good at it, even though it's not something she really likes to do (who does?).


Tonight was church. Lydia had a bunch of homework to accomplish.


Tonight we had discipleship with the Banks. It was a great meeting, and we're almost done with the course!

Lydia stayed up late working on her homework. There is a lot to do!


After work, I picked up the kids, picked up a rose corsage, grabbed some desert ingredients from the store, and then arrived at home. It was a rush. I fed the kids, made a quick desert, and got ready for our church's valentine banquet while waiting for Lydia to get off work. Once she arrived, we headed to church.

The kids were watched by two of the college ladies while we enjoyed the banquet. It was catered by Rib Crib... so the food was excellent! Lydia and Mysia got a rose to take home. However, as we were leaving, the kids were able to grab a treat. Malachi took one bite and started spitting it out saying "yuck". I then sent him to put on his coat, and he acted like throwing up. We gave him water to drink and rinse his mouth out, thinking the taste was bothering him. Once home, we all got ready for bed.

I was half-way asleep when Malachi started complaining about itching. Come to find out, he started having an allergic reaction to whatever he ate. Is lip were a bit swollen. I gave him some benadryl, and he and I stayed up waiting for the medicine to take effect. The poor guy.


After a long night, we got up and ate breakfast. Malachi was doing fine. He and Mysia had yogurt and toast. Lydia rushed out to meet up with a group from one of her classes to prepare for a class project.

The main focus for the morning was getting the house in order. The kids worked on their rooms all morning. After lunch, we all took naps.

The kids played Mario on the Wii before we headed out to Walmart for some shopping. It was a bit crowded. We purchased some snow-gloves and suits for the kids in anticipation for some snow on Monday.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Album Review: “Somebody’s Coming” (2011) - Gold City

I’ve been wanting to do some album reviews... some old and some new. I also wanted to start out with my favorite group, Gold City. I planned on writing this earlier, but decided to wait until after they came to town for the concerts, and I’m glad I did.

Before I start into my review, I want to make clear that this is my personal opinion. I’m don’t claim to have great musical taste or and expert critic. I’m just a fan, a true Southern Gospel nut, that also likes to sing along. In fact, I’ll admit that I’m a bit biased on a few things. For example, I love harmony and good bass lines. Duh... ;) I’m also very partial to certain groups and artists, like GOLD CITY. With that in mind, I hope you enjoy what I have to say.


After much anticipation and several years of waiting, Gold City finally came out with an album of new material. I like the song selections. It’s no “Standing In The Gap” (my all-time favorite album), but it does a fairly good job of keeping you listening.

There are several songs I’d pick when making a playlist for in the car and driving. I like good pick me up songs, ones that won’t put me to sleep. All the songs are great to listen to, and each fit a special purpose or message. Of course, there are those that are just great to sing along with, and since I sing bass, I’ll be more inclined to pick those that feature Tim Riley!

I was a bit disappointed that Gold City didn’t sing the title track at the concert, but was privileged to hear it sung several times during their sound check! There were only a few of us there to hear it, so looking back, I’m excited I didn’t miss it. I would love for it to be their next release to radio.

I’ve made a short list of where I’d rank the songs:

Top Favorite: Somebody’s Coming
Listening While Driving: Peter, James, And John; Footprints On The Water; Somebody’s Coming; I Have An Anchor
Song I’ll Sing Along With The Most: I Get Down
Unique Pick: Showers Of Blessing
Song I Might Skip: Never Too Broken To Belong

In conclusion, this is an album I’ll play often. It’d definitely worth owning. However, after hearing Gold City in concert, I’m ready hear their next recording effort.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dealing with Traffic Frustration

Do I get frustrated with other drivers? Yes, definitely! Especially local drivers.

It seems that those driving around town don't really know how to drive. And it's not limited to age.I'm sure every city has it's problems, but Springfield folks are horrible! It seems that it gets worse when there is extreme weather. You'd think that they'd be used to it since the weather is constantly unstable.

For example, if we get less than an inch of snow, drivers act as "oh no", and drive like idiots! They panic, but speed up in a rush to get where they are going, ignoring others around them. They'll even wait until the last minute to put on the brakes!

However, drivers are not very courteous, and ignore the obvious. I can give a great example with what happened last Friday when dropping Mysia off at school. There is a place out in front of the school that is posted as "No Stopping Or Standing". The sign is there so you don't drop or pick up children so that traffic can flow freely. Do pope read… obviously not. I had to drive around two vehicles stopped there, and a car coming the other direction had to swerve around as well, almost hitting me.

That's frustrating! ;)

How do I deal with it? I wear my seatbelt, turn on the radio, and do my best to drive defensively!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Week Rundown (01/29/12-02/04/12)


I woke up and took Malachi with me to church for Men's Prayer Breakfast. I then dropped him off at my folks and picked up Abigail and Mysia for my van route.

Lydia wasn't feeling well during Sunday School, so she went home. The kids got to spend the afternoon with Granny & Granddad. I came home and took a nap. Evening services were good.


Today was back to the regular weekly schedule.... school, daycare, and work. I got of work, picked up the kids, and had supper made by the time Lydia got home. She was working late. Mysia was a bit cranky, and Malachi wasn't the best behaved either, so I got them ready for bed earlier than normal. Sure enough, they were tired.


When Lydia picked Malachi up from daycare, he was a bit sluggish and he was complaining about his ear hurting. We decided to take him to the clinic. Mysia had been complaining about her throat as well, so we figured it wouldn't hurt for her to be checked out as well. Come to find out, Malachi did indeed have an ear infection. Mysia... had strep throat!

Since we didn't eat anything before heading to the clinic, and with the fact that we had to wait for each visit and wait on the prescriptions, we were very hungry. We then decided to forget making supper, and picked up McDonald's food on the way home. The kids enjoyed that idea.


Since both kids were sick, Lydia stayed home with them while I went into work. She had thought that today would be more peaceful since they would be not feeling the best and resting, but she was wrong. Both kids were active and feeling good!

After supper, I headed to church alone since we didn't want to bring sick kids along. It was a good thing... Lydia didn't feel to well this evening either!


Lydia went to school, I dropped Malachi off at daycare, and the I dropped Mysia off with her Aunt Abigail before heading into work. The doctor at the clinic on Tuesday had told us that Mysia couldn't go back to school for 48 hours after antibiotics. I'm so thankful that family can help us in times like these.

This evening we had discipleship. It was a great visit, and kept in great conversation and discussions.


Lydia went into school, and I dropped the kids off at daycare and school before heading into work. It was planned to be a busy day for me... and that was true! KWFC's Cabin Fever Festival concert was scheduled for tonight, and there were a ton of things to do beforehand! Even though a bit hectic, preparing for the concert is awesome. I got to hear the groups do their soundchecks, plus mingle with them as well! And since my favorite group was there (GOLD CITY), it couldn't have been any better!

Lydia and the kids showed up in time for the concert, but since I was working it, I didn't get to spend much time with them. The concert was held at Remingon's, a former night-club/entertainment complex that is now owned by Ridgecrest Baptist Church. Our concert was "sold out", and there were 2,118 in attendance for the night... a record for the building!!!!  Oh yeah!

The concert was fantastic, both groups winning the crowd over. We couldn't be happier with the response we got! Lydia and the kids went home after the concert let out. I stayed around, selling a few things for the station, and then picking a few things up and re-organizing for tomorrow's encore. I then went got to hang out with some of the staff and artists before heading home and to bed. What a night!!!


I was tired. Lydia was as well. We all slept in, then got up and ate a late breakfast. There were some things to do around the house... weekend chores, etc.

The afternoon was nice, and the kids took a god nap. I left around around 3:30 to head to the Encore concert. While I was working the concert, Lydia got the privilege of babysitting two twin girls. Mysia and Malachi loved it! lol

For me, the concert was fantastic. The attendance was around 700, and I was able to sit and enjoy the program. It was more relaxing than the previous evening. Of course, talking with singers, and having the chance to visit with my ultimate singing hero (Tim Riley) was the highlight of the entire time. For a southern gospel music nut like me... it was another dream come true!

After the concert, I made a late weekly grocery run. The kids were asleep when I got home. What a week!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Boycotting JC Penny??? Why...?

I've heard and read posts about boycotting JC Penny stores. Why? Because they've hired comedian Ellen DeGeneres as their company spokesperson. There is an online petition by a group called group called "One Million Moms". They declare that the company is doing so to offend the traditional family.

Truthfully, I personally think that it's in bad taste. JC Penny is not doing so to offend or push an agenda. They've re-hired a comedian to help sell their product, they didn't do show support for the 'gay community'.

I believe in fighting for things that are right. I just think that people are going after the wrong things. If you're really wanting to put a voice somewhere, try it when voting! Are you really voting for someone you believe in, or just playing the party line. Voting for someone you don't agree with, only because he's still not as bad as the other... the lesser of two evils?

As I had posted over a year ago during the McDonald's boycott... if people are so concerned about big companies supporting the homosexual movement, they'd better do some research. But then again... after they started, they wouldn't be able to finish. Both Apple and Microsoft contribute to several 'gay and lesbian' groups. That means the product you're using to read this information is made (or using an operating system that is created) by one of these companies.

Don't be a negative.... be a positive!  2 Timothy 2:24-25


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Am I Opinionated?

Wow, what a question for today. I believe everyone is opinionated, it’s just that some are more open about sharing their opinions while others keep them to themselves. Some are really good at selecting which opinions are to be shared and when to keep their mouth shut. Some give it away freely with consideration, or recognizing whether they should or not. And then there are those who just don’t care.

As for me... well, I’m opinionated of course. But I’d like to say I’m a bit on the conservative side when it comes to sharing with others. I’ll admit that I do voice them from time to time. I’m not dogmatic on my opinions however. I’m try to approach ideas with an open mind, and I’m willing to listen. I try my best to take things into consideration and find the most logical assumption. Because no matter what... an opinion is still that... an opinion.

I try not to be judgmental, but I do fail from time to time. I also try to be considerate and where I don’t offend. I want to encourage others to think for themselves. Being dogmatic and blunt isn’t the best way to sway others’ opinions. Sometimes a logical look at things is the best, but one has to be willing to step back and examine things from all angles.

There have been times that I’ve thought about going into huge rants on my blog. So I sit down and write a big ‘article’. It sure feels good put my thoughts down on ‘paper’. But then I re-read over what I’ve written several times, and delete it without posting. I’ve often wondered what might have happened if I had when ahead and published them on my blog. Then I also imagine what hurt or disrespect I might have caused because of that post. Even if I’m right, sometimes opinions are better left to one’s self! (except spouses! lol)


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pet Peeve: The Public Restroom

Do I have a list of pet peeves? Yes, I do! And there’s probably quite a few more than I’d publicly admit. I might actually mention several from time to time. But today I’ll address my number one pet peeve... the public restroom.

Perhaps I’m the uncommon male when it comes to this topic, but most public restrooms and the other men that use them disgust me. There are several factors about the restrooms that make me try my best to avoid them. If you’re a bit squeamish, or want to ignore these facts don’t read the following.

1 - Please flush! What is it with people not flushing? Are they afraid they might get a disease from doing the courtesy? I don’t want to see what you’ve left behind! Plus, I’ve noticed they’ve obviously used the toilet paper, so they can wipe the seat too! YUCK!

2 - Why not wash? Fact: most men do not wash their hands after using the facilities. I’ll go so far to say that 75% don’t. I’ve even stood around and watched. It’s simply disgusting. You might want to remember that when shaking hands at church or getting your food from a fast food. (Actually, you may want to try and forget that fact.)

3 - Use SOAP! If they do wash their hands, half don’t even bother don’t use soap! That’s just gross... Seriously, are they afraid they might get more germs from the soap dispenser?

4 - Re-usable/rotating towels.... need I really say more? I’m sure you’ve seen them, those things that the towel keeps being threaded back through. Knowing the facts above, would you want to touch such a thing after washing your hands?

5 - No paper towels! (but yet there’s always a trash can) Okay, I understand the public push to “go green”, but at the risk of my health? Seriously!?!?! How else am I to open the door? Imagine how gross the handle is!!! If no paper towels, I’m then forced to use the “pinky-pull”... (Girls: If you don’t know what I mean, ask another guy. If he doesn’t know, don’t shake his hand!)

6 - The door..... why must it only swing open way? You think I want to touch the handle to pull open the door after so many has touched it????

My finale note to the ladies... I hope your public restrooms are better. And be glad for that long line, because on the other hand, you could be using our facilities!
