Monday, April 30, 2012

Week Rundown! (04/22/12 - 04/28/12)


Today was pretty nice. After services, we took naps and had a long afternoon since there wasn't choir practice before evening services. Lydia made desserts and got them ready. On our way to church we stopped by Andy's Frozen Custard to pick up our $1 sundae with our Cardinal Baseball tickets. Yum!

After services, our church held its Teen Dessert Auction. That's how we raise money to send our kids to summer camp. It's really fun to watch everyone trying to outbid each other for those desserts! It gets crazy, but it's worth it.


Lydia worked hard on homework this morning into the afternoon. She's trying to keep those grades up. Mysia had a Doctor appointment for a check up, all went well.

We had our friends, Doug and Mary, over for supper and visit. We had potato soup and enjoyed the desserts we had purchased at church the night before.

When it came time to get  the kids showers before bedtime, the valve broke and no water would come out! I was at a loss of what happened! I called my dad and he came over to help me assess the situation. It appeared that the whole valve system for the handle faucet was broke, and to much dismay, the hole bathtub wall fixture would have to be removed to fix it! Yikes. I took pictures and we talked about what to do. Since it was so late, we decided to do some cost research and tackle the problem tomorrow after supper.


I went to work with a churning stomach... just wondering what the cost was for the bathroom. The day was busy and it kept my mind from really being to scared on the situation. After explaining what happened to my coworkers, my boss suggested that the 'valve stem' was busted. That sounded very possible.

After work, I got the kids and headed home. Lydia worked a little later, so while supper was being made, Mysia and Malachi played outside in the front yard. Once Lydia got home, we ate and my dad arrived to help me figure out what to do. We turned off the water and took out the "valve stem'. Sure enough, it was broken. We headed to Lowe's, while Lydia and the kids headed to my parents' house to get showers.

My dad and I were able to fix the shower and get it running! Yay!!! I was the first to try it out. I turned on the water, and it was cold...! It wouldn't heat up. Uh oh.... I turned it to cold, and hot water came out. We installed it backwards. Oh well! I'm just happy to have a shower again!


I got home with the kids before Lydia. They wanted Ramen Noodle soup for supper, so I quickly got it made and we ate before rushing to church. After services, we headed home and got the kids to bed. Lydia had a ton of homework to attend to. I worked on a few projects before falling asleep.


Today was busy for me. I wrapped up things at work since I scheduled tomorrow as a vacation day.

After work, I had the chance to run downtown and meet some friends at the SHEM Home-school Convention. I had become acquainted with Israel Wayne and Sony Elise on the the homeschool and southern gospel forums several years ago, and finally got to meet them in person!

I picked up Mysia, got the car washed, got Malachi, and headed home before Lydia. I decided to make Chicken Veggie Bars... Mysia helped while Malachi played a game on my Nook Color. Speaking of the Nook Color, I was able to purchase one for Lydia for Mother's Day and gave it to her this evening. She was pleased... whew! ;)


I had the day off. The kids went to school, and Lydia headed to classes at college. I did some things around the house, some shopping, and then packed my things. I had the privilege of going to the Men's Advance in Stillwater, OK with the men from my church. I actually drove down there with my Dad, Sam and one of the teen boys. We talked and visited for the entire 4 hour drive. There were about 1800 men in attendance, and we got to enjoy a good lesson session, a huge supper, and some great preaching before making it to our hotel room after 10:30pm.

While I was gone, Lydia picked up the kids and some dinner. They watched a movie and some shows on NetFlix before going to bed.


Sleeping in a hotel, 4 hours away from Lydia is difficult. I wasn't really restless, but it sure is different. However, when it came time to get up at 6... I was ready. Us guys got up and ready, packed and back at the expo center in time for breakfast. They fed us well, and then it was time for a morning full of lesson sessions and preaching, with huge lunch included.

We had some time during the breaks to visit with others, including my brother Benjamin, who had traveled down with his church as well. We also got go through a "maze" that was themed with meeting. By 3:30, we were packed in the minivan, headed back home.

Lydia and the kids got up a little late. Lydia used the time to sleep in, however, the kids were up and ready for breakfast. They spent most of the day at home. Much to Mysia and Malachi's delight, they met up with Granny and Aunt Abigail at Golden Corral for supper.

I made it home before 9. I was tired, but was happy to be home. I was happily welcomed by my family... Yup, we missed each other! Of course, they had to catch me up with all that happened before going to bed.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Recipe: Chicken Veggie Bars

  • 3 package crescent rolls
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 package of ranch dressing mix
  • 2 (8 ounce) packages of cream cheese
  • 1 package of boneless chicken breast 

Suggested veggies:

  • mushrooms
  • broccoli
  • lettuce
  • cauliflower
  • green onions
  • olives
  • cucumbers
  • carrots
  • celery
  • red peppers or green pepper
  • tomato


  1. Boil chicken breast for an hour until fully cooked.

  2. Press down packages of crescent rolls into pan.

  3. Bake 10-12 minutes according to package directions. 

  4. Cool. 


  5. Blend together mayonnaise, dressing mix, and cream cheese. 

  6. Spread over cooled crust. 


  7. Top with any combination of veggies and chicken. 


  8. Cut into bars and serve cold!

Running Behind!

Once again, my daily blog posts have fallen short. And although I have tons of topics to post about, I don't always have the time. I've started several, but have not been able to complete the thought... so they remain abandoned for now. Don't worry, I get to them soon! ;)

There are several projects I've been working on lately that has taken my time, and several more that are lined up! Sometimes I just don't feel like sitting down and writing after the kids get to bed and other things are finished. I feel like going asleep!

Although I'm 'running behind'.... I'll catch up soon!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week Rundown! (04/15/12 - 04/21/12)


Malachi got up and decided to wear his suit jacket. He thought it was important that he did. On the way to church, Mysia said that when she grows up, she want to be an astronaut.... Malachi then said he want to be an Angry Bird! lol

We had a relaxing afternoon at home. We napped and then the kids played games. Since there was no choir practice, it made the afternoon longer without a rush.

For the evening services, we were blessed with the singing of Roy Tremble. His voice is still amazing, and it was a joy to see him again. Afterwards we had our monthly Birthdays & Anniversary dinner. It was good to fellowship with friends.


Weather was nice, but busy. This evening went pretty well. I had quartet practice, and the kids were in bed by the time I got home.


I went to the doctor this morning to get a 'skin tag' take off of my neck. Kind of scary to have a doctor come at your neck with a knife... but I made it through! ;) The whole ordeal was much of a pain in the neck as I thought it would be.


Besides the fact that the day was a normal busy, it went by fast. Children's church services ran pretty smoothly, and we took advantage of the weather during 'game time'.

After church, we headed over to my Grandma's house to visit with her and my great-aunt Patty. It was a great visit, and the kids were tired by the time we got home.


This evening I finally got the chance to mow the lawn! Boy... it needed it. I also was able to use the new weed trimmer I purchased.

Mysia and Malachi helped Lydia with the laundry before going to bed. Lydia had a lot of homework to attend to.


Today was rainy. So much to finish for the weekend! I was sure glad that I mowed yesterday!

Right before 4, I got a call that Mysia was complaining about a toothache. Great...! I picked her up, got some Orajel pain reliever, and brought her into work for the last hour. She did some 'office work' and played on my Nook.

We had a friend, Cyleste, and her children over for supper. Mysia loved playing with her twin baby girls... while her son and Malachi played with all the Cars. It was too wet and cold for them to go outside, much to their dismay.


The morning was pretty good. We got some things done around the house and I took Malachi with me to do some grocery shopping. We had to purchase some new shoes for him as well.

After lunch, we got the opportunity to attend a Springfield Cardinals game! Lydia and I enjoyed it more than the kids. Malachi got bored pretty quick. Mysia was trying to figure it out, and I was helping her. I guess watching it on television is nicer for them because they don't have to sit still! It helped that we treated them to pretzels and ice cream.

For the evening, the kids got to hang out with some others as Lydia and I went to our Sunday School class cookout. It was fun to be able to hang out and talk with our friends from church for several hours!


Monday, April 23, 2012

So true!

Wow! Remember when I wrote about being shocked over the commercials by Hardee's? I think that although funny, Baby Blues makes a great point of truth!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Week Rundown! (04/8/12 - 04/14/12)


Easter! We woke up early and made it to the 8am Sunrise Services. I left during the start of the preaching to run van routes. They served breakfast before Sunday School. During the morning services, the choir performed a 30-minute Easter Cantata. Of course, being in the choir, I got to participate.

After doing the van routes, we headed over to my parent's house for lunch. We all picked up cashew chicken... yum! What a fantastic Easter lunch! Ha! We also celebrated my birthday, which is actually tomorrow. The kids got the chance for an easter egg hunt in the backyard, then it was naps! Since there was no choir practice, the afternoon was longer.


Today was my birthday, and what a busy day it was! I spent most of the day at work since it was the first day of the spring fund raising... We had a goal of 43,000 to reach for specific needs that are not under our regular budget. Since I worked into the evening, answering calls and helping the on-air guys, Lydia got to take care of the kids and do her homework!


Spring fundraising. Lydia had PTA, so her and Malachi picked up a quick supper. I picked up Mysia and headed over to the school. I let the kids play in the playground until Lydia was finished with the PTA meeting. We then headed home, ate ramen noodles, and got the kids to bed. Lydia worked on a ton of homework while I did some shopping at the store.


Lyda didn't get much sleep the night before and was wore out for most of the day. We were still doing the Spring Fundraiser at the station, so we were dragging when it came to supper. Church was pretty good. The kids did well, and the evenings was pretty smooth.


This morning the fundraiser at work came to an end! Yay! It was neat listening from our listeners, and hearing their personal testimonies on how KWFC has blessed them through the years. We have some very loyal listeners!

All the focus switched to concert preparation... that is supposed to be tomorrow night! I had a lot to accomplish.

This evening, Lydia wasn't feeling too well. Her head was stopped up, sore throat, and she had a slight temperature! It stormed during the night, and Malachi and Mysia ended up sleeping on the floor of our bedroom due to the HUGE thunderclaps that shook the house.


Lydia was sick with the cold. She felt so terrible she wrote her instructors and called in sick for work. She spent the day in bed, sleeping.

I was busy at work all day! I was in charge of the media, and there was a lot to go over. We also had to set things up, and welcome the artist. There are many things to do for a big event like this! Many people were calling about tickets and information up to the time that the doors opened at 5:15!

The Diplomats, the Triumphant Quartet, and Karen Peck & New River did very well, and kept most of the crowd until the end around 10:30. I got to meet several of my SG friends, and talk to the artists! Although it was a long day, it was fun!

Since I was busy at the concert, the kids stayed home with Lydia. They watched movies and cuddled together due to another slew of severe thunderstorms that come through the area.


I was hoping to mow, but due to all the rain... there was no way!!! Our backyard remained flooded. The rain was so bad that we lost electricity for about 30 minutes in the morning, interrupting the cartoons on Netflix for Mysia and Malachi. They were a bit disappointed, but thought it was neat that they could use their flashlights.

Lydia went to work for most of the day. The kids and I watched tv, played games, and did some art/drawing. Of course, naps on a rainy day was a must! lol. Before supper, I took them grocery shopping... that was interesting! We spent more time than needed in most of the isles!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week Rundown (04/01/12-04/7/12)

(Picture: Mysia & Malachi enjoying Pineapple Whip)


We had great services at church. We also got to enjoy naps during the afternoon! Ahhhh... it felt so good. Of course, today was April Fool's, one of my favorite holidays. I had some fun joking with friends and fellow church members. However, my mom was able to get me pretty good as well.


I went to for a doctor visit for a check up before heading into work. It was just a check-up. Mysia had finished her homework before being picked up. She is on top it it! I had quartet practice this evening while Lydia and the kids stayed home.


The kids got to spend the evening with Granny and Granddad. I believe they wore them out!


Evening church services were good. Lydia had a ton of homework to accomplish and stayed up late.


This evening was was our last of our Discipleship meetings. We're thankful for our teachers, the Banks.


I had Easter cantata practice with choir. Lydia took the kids shopping and visited with my parents until I showed up. A little bit later, my brother Benjamin and his son Elijah showed up. They are in town until later tomorrow afternoon.


Lydia went to work, I dropped of Malachi with my folks and headed to the Walmart clinic with Mysia. She had lost her voice last night, and we feared that she might have strep throat once again. Sure enough, she did. We came away with a more powerful medication this time.

We had lunch with my parents. The cousins played and practically wore each other out!
After Benjamin and Elijah left for home, I took the kids and met up with Lydia who had just got off of work. We did some shopping and then picked up Pineapple Whip before heading home for a late supper.

Back at home for the evening, we let the kids play with some of the German nick-knack toys Lydia had collected. Mysia and Malachi really enjoyed go through each set. Afterwards, it was bed-time.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mowing Already....!

Ugh... yes, the grass is growing! I had to mow for the second time this year, on the last day of March. That's not supposed to be happening. I would have let it go a little longer, but as you can see in the picture, it wouldn't have been to wise. In parts of my yard, my mower could disappear.

The grasshoppers and mosquitos are out in full-force too. They were hopping and flying around as I mowed the grass. I also discovered a snake, but didn't stop in time to let it live. With a mulching blade, it didn't have much of a chance of surviving. More fertilizer for that part of the lawn I guess...

We have strange weather here in the Ozarks, so I'm actually hoping for one good spring freeze before summer really kicks in. It would be great to kill off this first wave of insects. My 'prediction' is for this weather change around the 13th. But I guess we'll see.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mysia: 3rd Quarter Report Card

Yesterday, Mysia brought home her 3rd quarter report card from school. I guess it shouldn't be any surprise... she's excelling in everything! It's exciting. Even though she missed out on several days of school due to her strep throat and tonsils, she was still able to keep up with the class. I can't be more proud of her. According to the 'report card' she's not hurting in any area. Talk about awesome!

We don't have to fight her to keep on top of her homework either. In fact, she had her homework completed at the boys' and girls' club before coming home yesterday. And to top it off, after supper, she did 'extra' homework she had received from school!

The only thing I can think of is poor Malachi... he's got quite an act to follow. However, I'll have to admit that he's another type. I expect him to excel in everything sports and PE related activities. Of course, he's creative too. So we'll just see!

No mater what... these kids of ours are super smart! I'd better watch out...


Monday, April 2, 2012

Week Rundown (03/25/12-03/31/12)


Malachi attended the men's prayer breakfast with me this morning, and then I ran the church vans. The day was nice, and was glad for nice weather.


Had cashew chicken for supper. We spend the evening as family time together. I did the weekly grocery shopping once the kids went to bed, Lydia worked on her homework.


Mysia had her appointment with throat surgeon after school. They'll plan on surgery early summer after school. So we'll wait and see what happens.


The day went by fast, and church services were good.


I attended a library social club meeting with a friend. I'm helping them develop a logo. It was a neat experience.

This evening was spent at home. We did some housework and let the kids play before bed.


Today was busy for me. I now host a radio show every Sunday afternoon from noon-three, so it I had the privilege of going in the studio and pre-recording. It was neat, but I stumbled a little. I'm sure things will be more smoother the more I do it every week.

Tonight I got to help with the Dove Brothers concert in town. It was neat getting to see friends. Of course, the quartet did a great job. Lydia had family over, and the kids played Nintendo until time for bed.


Well, I woke up and made burnt muffins for breakfast. Hey... I'm don't claim to be a great cook!

Lydia met with a classmate at the library to work on a project. The kids and I tagged along, but stayed in the children's section for the entire time. I discovered and a half hours is a long time at the library... with kids!

We had lunch at home and then Lydia left go to work. While she was gone, I mowed lawn while kids napped. Boy, it needed it! Afterwards, Lydia and I got ready and headed out to the appreciation banquet for the Pregnancy Care Center. It was a really neat event, and the speaker was awesome!
