Monday, March 25, 2013

Week Rundown! (03/17/13 - 03/23/13)

Sunday was St Patrick's Day.... so we wore green! My parent's stopped by the house in the afternoon to see our new piano. After the evening services, we attended a farewell dessert party for our friends Ike and Holly, since Ike has taken a position of youth pastor at another church in town. They will be missed.

On Monday evening, Abigail came over and watched the kids while Lydia and I attended a PTA dinner, celebrating 100 years in Springfield. The food was great, and we were treated to some neat performances by several high school students.

Tuesday, Lydia took Mysia with her for a accounting club meeting at college. Malachi and I did the bi-weekly grocery shopping and then came home for supper. .

Lydia had a PTA meeting before coming home on Wednesday, she was able to grab the kids before I got off work. We had time to eat supper and take time getting ready for evenings services without the rush like most weeks. As we were leaving church, Mysia suggested that we visit Grandma Taylor before heading home. So we stopped by and raided her house for more than an hour!

Thursday was a day of expectations. A winter storm was supposed to hit. We waited, and nothing happened until the afternoon, but even then, it was lite. However, by the time the workday was over, it was snowing heavily, causing our ride home to be longer than usual. The kids were excited. We ate supper, and the kids got to watch some tv before bed.

We were hoping to wake up on Friday to no school, but the roads were clear enough. They even plowed our street! Even though we were disappointed, we made the best of it. After getting home that evening, we built a snowman and threw snowballs. The evening was spent working on getting the house straightened and vacuumed before bed.

Most of our snow melted away on Saturday, but our snowman was still standing! Lydia went to work while the kids and I went to our weekly Tae Kwon Do class. The kids and I ate lunch and then they took naps while I worked on several projects. Once Lydia came home we ate supper and watched the "Karate Kid"... both kids enjoyed it!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week Rundown! (03/10/13 - 03/16/13)

The week started off with Daylight Savings Time... yuck. Not the favorite thing to do. Wake up an hour early, especially on Sunday. But, we did. The services were great, and we took naps in the afternoon! That evening, we made chore and behavior charts for all to follow.

It was spring break all week for Lydia and Mysia. Mysia got to spend her days at the Boys and Girls Club, while Lydia put in extra hours at work. I also was on-air extra, filling in from 3-6pm all week! Monday evening Lydia took Mysia to piano lessons.

We made Tuesday our "Family Day". We enjoyed the morning at home and then Lydia spent time with her sister Adria that afternoon. I took the kids in to work with me for a bit so I could get the on-air shows recorded for the day. They watched a movie in my office and then we came home. As a family, we went shopping for some household things that evening. Yes... Our day off was spent on projects around the house! The kids were happy that we finally bought fish for our empty fish-tank.... we're hoping they won't die! We made "Taco Cupcakes" for supper and got our 'projects' completed before bed.

Abigail picked up Mysia and Malachi for the afternoon on Wednesday. Her and Ethan took them to the park to play. The kids then had supper at Granny's before meeting us at church. We had a missionary in from Romania, who gave an interesting presentation and took questions from the children.

Thursday was unique. I spent my day at work getting ready for the big Gaither Vocal Band concert that evening. Once off work, I picked up Malachi and headed home. Lydia, Mysia, and our babysitter Becca, got there not too long afterwards. We had found an upright piano on Craigslist several weeks ago, and they guy delivered it to our house around 5. It was heavy, but we finally got it in the living room. (One of our projects from Tuesday was making room for it). Lydia and I left and had dinner with our friends Ken & Linda before heading to the concert. And what an event it was! I believe it was the best concert I've ever been to!!!

Friday evening was relaxing. The weather was super nice, with a record high of 82 degrees! I came home and made hamburgers in the outdoor grill while the kids enjoyed playing in our front yard. Once Lydia came home from work, we ate supper and watched some Marvel Avenger cartoons on Netflix. It was then time for showers and we all ended up going to bed early.

Saturday morning came early! It was scheduled to be a very busy day. Sam came before 8 and picked up the kids for Tae Kwon Do class. Lydia went to work, and I headed out for my work's Southern Gospel Talent Contest. I was a preliminary judge. Mysia and Malachi got to spend the afternoon at Granny's until Lydia picked them up after she got off work. They ate supper and came to the "Main Event" to hear a few of the final contestants. They went home and to bed. Once all was done, I arrived home later that evening and crashed!


Monday, March 11, 2013

Week Rundown! (03/03/13 - 03/09/13)

Sunday was a pretty good day. The weather was nice and the kids were supposed to take naps in the afternoon. Unfortunately, Malachi decided to play instead, which made him tired and fidgety during the evening services. Lydia and the ladies from the retreat did their presentation of their time together over the weekend.

On Monday, I got the fun of coming home for lunch for several hours while AT&T installed the new U-Verse technology for our internet. It was an upgrade at a cheaper price than what we were paying with the basic DSL. That evening, Mysia had piano lessons, and is doing pretty good. We ate beef stew, and I did some shopping while Lydia prepared for a huge test and homework due for the following day

Tuesday was the big fundraiser at KWFC. I kept busy for the record-breaking day, and didn't get home until after 9:30 that evening. That left Lydia with with the kids after she was finished with classes. They had McDonalds for supper and then went to see Rachel Cruze (Dave Ramsey's daughter) speak to the students at MSU. At first she wasn't sure how well the kids would do, but they were good and having them with her actually got her some recognition by the dean of the College of Business who came over and talked to Lydia taking an interest in her and what classes she was taking and told her to contact her if she ever needs anything. After listening to Rachel speak, they had some time before Lydia's group meeting so they moved the van and then listened to Adventures in Odyssey. When they went to Lydia's group meeting, they played with the children of one of Lydia's classmates becoming instant friends.  On the way home they stopped for caramel sundaes as a treat since the kids had been so good.

It was "fun night" for the children's services at church on Wednesday. Mysia was one of the kids chosen to bring home a craft to decorate for one of the shut-ins.

We decided to a have a fun family night on Thursday. After coming home, we ate supper and then went to see "Wreck-it Ralph". We all enjoyed the movie... or at least, what we got to see. Thanks to Malachi, he and I spent 10% of the time in the bathroom throughout the feature. ;)

Friday evening was clean-up and chores before playing some Mario Kart on the Wii. We were able to get a lot accomplished before bedtime!

Once up from bed on Saturday, Lydia left for work. The kids watched some cartoons before we headed off for our Tae Kwon Do class. After class, the kids played outside at church, enjoying the weather. Sam went with us as we checked out a piano. We stopped by the store to pick up some food items and things for home improvement that I've been meaning to get to. Then it was back home for a late lunch with Popeye on tv, and a short nap. Lydia came home and we had the kids take their weekend baths before bed.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week Rundown! (02/24/13 - 03/02/13)

The week started out busy! Malachi and I woke up Sunday morning and attended Men's Prayer Breakfast at church, then I dropped him off at Granny and Granddad's while I did the church vans. He spent the afternoon with them as well. After church services and my van route, we had lunch at Hong Kong Inn to celebrate my Uncle Dallas' birthday later this week. We had enough time to take a quick nap before heading back to church for evening services.

We got some icy-cold rain on Monday. I took Mysia to her second piano lesson. Lydia attended an etiquette dinner at college, learning how to properly eat when talking with clients. The kids and I ate supper, got homework completed, and then got ready for bed.

Tuesday gave us some snow!!! So after work, I picked up the kids and returned back to the radio station to sled down the big hill. We had a blast, and both kids loved playing in the snow. When we returned back home, we built a snowman before eating supper and getting ready for bed. Lydia had school, and had the opportunity to see Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor at MSU campus that evening.

Once of work, we got ready and rushed off for Wednesday evening services. Attendance was low because of the weather, but all went well. After church, the kids took two trips sledding down the hill before we headed home.

On Thursday, I picked up the kids after work and headed to Mysia's school. She was part of a class presentation for the PTA. They sang songs and Mysia even had a small speaking part. Aunt Abigail was able to watch Mysia, and came over to the house for a visit before the kids' bedtime.

After work on Friday, Lydia headed off to Branson to attend our church's annual ladies retreat. She had fun, and really enjoyed the testimonies of the other ladies. It was a time of relaxation for her. The kids and I enjoyed a "fun night", watching movies and eating snacks before bed. I was planning on staying up and watching a few movies, but fell asleep! ha!

The kids woke me up early on Saturday. So we ate a quick breakfast and went to the free showing of the latest VegieTales Movie. The family that sat next to Mysia shared a HUGE bucket of popcorn that thy didn't want. We then attended our Ta Kwon Do class, came home for lunch, and then took naps. Lydia enjoyed the greater part of the day in Branson with the ladies. She got to hang out and go shopping before coming home in the evening. Adria visited for several hours that evening as well!
