Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Week Rundown! (12/21/14 - 12/27/14)

We got up early and attended Sunday services. The kids sang several songs as part of the Christmas program. Afterwards, we did a grocery run and came home to eat and watch a few Christmas movies.

The kids didn't have school on Monday, but since Lydia and I worked, they went to boys and girls club for the day. Mysia didn't have any piano lessons. Lydia and the kids worked on making Christmas cookies. The kitchen was a mess, but worth it.

I only worked half a day on Tuesday. The kids and I visited the chiropractor to get adjusted after car accident last week. It felt good to get the kinks out. We picked up Lydia from work and came home. We watched a movie before sending the kids to bed. Lydia and I stayed up a little later to make sure the kids' presents were ready for the morning.

Wednesday, although Christmas Eve, was our family Christmas at home. We woke up and opened up presents. Both kids were excited with what they received. We then ate breakfast while the kids enjoyed their gifts. Malachi spent 6 hours putting together his lego Star Wars Starfighter. Mysia played games and learned how to work her tablets. We watched several movies. We went out for supper at Chick-Fil-A and then drove around looking at Christmas lights before attending candlelight services with family.

On Christmas day we slept in, catching up on some lost sleep. Of course, the kids got up and watched videos on their tablets. We then opened the gifts found in our stockings before eating some breakfast. We loaded the van with gifts and snacks, then headed over to my parents' house celebrate the holiday with my side of the family. We ate lunch and then opened up gifts. The cousins played while we visited. We took family pictures and played a few games before coming home.

We slept in for a bit on Friday and then met Lydia's family for brunch. After visiting, the girls headed out to Branson for a shopping trip. The guys played some football and then tried a few games of Mario Kart 64 before getting some food. We watched "Guardians Of the Galaxy" before the girls came back.

Saturday morning was rushed as we ate a quick breakfast before heading over to Paulette's house for gifts with Lydia's family. It was our '3rd" Christmas. After the gift exchange, we ate a wonderful turkey dinner and visited before bringing out the games. The cousins played and we stayed until evening. At home, the kids got their baths before bed.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Week Rundown! (12/14/14 - 12/20/14)

My stomach was sore on Sunday, but I made it through alright. We attended church services and then did some shopping before heading home for lunch. We actually got some naps and spent some family time together.

Monday was pretty normal. Mysia had piano lessons after I got off work, and we spent the evening at home working on homework.

Tuesday was a long day. We got up and the kids and I took Lydia into work. Right afterwards, I turned left onto another road and my VW Bug was struck on the passenger side. It shook us up. Mysia had a sore arm and chemical burn on her cheek from the side airbag. Malachi got attacked by Mysia's school books, and had a lump on his head and scratches on his forehead. Other then that, we walked away without any serious injuries. The car was towed away and my coworker Ray helped me get the minivan from home. I dropped the kids off at school and went to my Doctor's appointment. It was confirmed that I do have a hernia. I then got to visit the new offices for KWFC that are being constructed in preparation of the finalization of the station's sale to RTN. The school nurse called me and I picked up the kids since they were still a bit shook up from the wreck. We then picked up Lydia and took her to the doctor for her appointment she had that afternoon. We spent the rest of the day in the waiting room. By the time we got home, the kids were wore out. We ate a late, but quick supper, and went to bed.

Things were almost back to normal on Wednesday, except we were down to one vehicle. There we several things I had to deal with in making sure that the insurance had all the info, etc. We had a good evening at home.

I had an appointment with the surgeon on Thursday to discuss the future plans for my hernia. It looks like I'll be having surgery sometime late January. After Lydia and I got off work, the evening was spent visiting with our small group from church. We had a good time and enjoyed the fellowship.

The kids and I took Lydia to work on Friday. The kids were off school, so I spent the day with them. We did some shopping and did many house chores. I also had to "clean" out all of my possessions from the wrecked Bug. It was sad seeing it in such a smashed up state, a reminder that God had blessed us by keeping us from harm when the wreck happened.. I was informed by the insurance company that it was considered "totaled".

The kids got to spend Saturday afternoon with Granny while I took Lydia to the Passages (Bible) Museum. We spent several hours taking in the history the Scripture throughout the ages. That evening, we watched a few Christmas movies before going to bed.


Friday, December 19, 2014

Week Rundown! (12/07/14 - 12/13/14)

We got up early on Sunday morning and made it to church so I could practice for the reading I had during services. After church we stopped by Best Buy to look around. At home, we ate lunch and watched White Christmas. That evening we attended the kids' school Christmas party. They visited with Santa, got haircuts and went "shopping" for the family. Afterwards, we headed over to Granddad and Granny's to watch "Home Alone".

On Monday, Malachi and I took Mysia piano lessons before doing a bit of Christmas shopping. At home, we all ate a quick supper and then attended the MEND Christmas candlelight vigil for 3 miscarriages. The kids went to bed once we returned home. Not to long afterwards, I heard a crash and then crying. Malachi had fallen off bunk bed and onto his legos. All is well, he wasn't hurt. Just upset that he had demolished his buildings.

Lydia had breakfast with the kids at school Tuesday morning. We came home from work and prepared supper before Uncle Sam and Aunt Madisen came over for a visit. They brought their two dogs, and Buttercup was thrilled to have playmates for the evening. We talked and enjoyed the evening together.

On Wednesday, Mysia got to try on a dress for Abigail's wedding after school. She's excited to be in it. I picked up Malachi after work and met Lydia at home. We enjoyed the evening at home. Malachi read three books to me as part of his homework before bed.

Thursday was a bit rushed, getting things done throughout the day. We attended to a Christmas party with our small group that evening. It was a blast visiting friends and exchanging white elephant gifts.

On Friday, we came home after work and I ate supper real quick before heading over to my friend Ben's for the evening. He helped with some van repairs and we got to visit. Lydia and the kids watched TV and read Christmas books.  

We woke up Saturday morning and took the kids with me to church. They had a Christmas party with crafts and snacks. Lydia got things done around the house and then we had lunch. We then attended the Christmas parade downtown. The kids got candy and we enjoyed watching the floats and bands. We then went to CPO and the kids picked up some Christmas gifts and a movie. That evening, we saw Crossway's "Who Stole Christmas". It was a great production, and we liked the adaptation of the Grinch story with a Christian perspective. Throughout the day, my stomach was aching and a lump appeared on my stomach, and after doing some online research, I'm thinking I have a hernia. Yikes.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Week Rundown! (11/30/14 - 12/06/14)

Lydia woke up Sunday morning with severe pain in her left foot. She couldn't put any weight on it, so after dropping the kids off with Granny and Granddad, we headed off to the ER. After being admitted and x-rayed, they determined it was inflammation. They gave Lydia crutches, telling her to remain off the foot, and prescription drugs. We came home and had a late lunch. Lydia was in pain for the rest of the evening, hobbling around the house.  

A cold front moved in causing us to scrape our windows from ice Monday morning. After work Malachi and I took Mysia to piano lessons. I then dropped the kids of with Granny for the evening. Lydia discovered that she had a flat tire as she was leaving work, so ran over and put on the spare so she could make it home. We then attended the KWFC Christmas party and dinner. We ate, visited, and played a few games before picking up the kids and heading home.

I took the van in Tuesday morning to get the van's tire replaced, and ended up buying two. Lydia had PTA after work, so I picked up the kids and we came home. They worked on their homework and got their showers while I worked on supper. We got to watch Charlie Brown Christmas before bedtime.

Wednesday morning was a rush. Before heading out the door, Malachi quickly ate his oatmeal, got choked and vomited a bit. I didn't think anything of it until we got a call from the school nurse before lunch. Malachi was complaining of a grumbling stomach. I picked him up and he stayed in my office for the rest of the workday. He ate well, watched a few movies, and even took a nap. We picked up Mysia on the way home. Before Lydia arrived, Malachi vomited. Oh boy…! We ate supper and watched all the Frosty the Snowman movies. Mysia felt warm, so Lydia took her temperature. Sure enough, she was running a fever. Thankfully, both slept well through the night.

I stayed home with Mysia and Malachi on Thursday since both were recovering from their illness. Lydia came home and we had supper before I headed into work to run Patriot basketball on-air. Lydia and kids watched Peter Pan Live that evening and she was reading them a book when I arrived home.

On Friday, Lydia worked from home so that she could stay home with Mysia. Although she was better, it was a precaution. Malachi went to school, and I picked him up once I got off from work. We then grabbed pizza and the kids spend night with Memaw while Lydia and I headed to Joplin for her work's Christmas party! We had great food and fun, and got home late.

Lydia and I woke up Saturday and I left for a reading rehearsal at church. Lydia picked up the kids and did a grocery run. I took the van into the shop to get it aligned before meeting them home for a late lunch. We watched a movie and then they took naps before we headed out to see the Springfield Live Nativity at the fairgrounds. We then met with friends at Lambert's for dinner and fellowship. We got home pretty late, and the kids were ready for bed.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week Rundown! (11/23/14 - 11/29/14)

Sunday we got up and attended church services. We stopped by the store on the way home and then spent the rest of the day relaxing. We played games and watched some tv as a family. Of course, we also accomplished a few chores around the house before going to bed.

Monday was a bit busy. Malachi and I took Mysia to piano lessons. At home the kids took showers while I prepared dinner. Lydia attended her Zumba class before coming home. We watched a couple of TV shows before bedtime.

Tuesday was busy, trying to get work accomplished for the rest of the week. We have had problems with the van lately, so I took it in and found out we need the radiator replaced.. Something we'll be doing at a later date. Lydia and the kids came to the radio station after 5 and we produced my thanksgiving show together with them sharing the things they are thankful for. We then spent a relaxing evening at home.

Wednesday I had off with the kids. They watched cartoons after waking up. We did a few things around the house, ate lunch, and then visited Lydia at her office in the afternoon. We then headed over to my parent's house so that we could visit with family. Ben and his family were in visiting, so the cousins got to play for s bit. A few of us took the guns out for some some target practice. It was cold, but enjoyable. Everyone met at our house and we then went to Rib Crib in celebration of my dad's birthday. We enjoyed supper together, visited Sam's house to see his dogs, and then back to my parent's for birthday cake. We stayed late visiting. Once back home, the kids were put to bed and we remained up working on food for Thanksgiving dinner.

On thanksgiving day, we slept in a bit and let the kids watch cartoons before watching the parade. We packed up a few belongings and the food and headed off to Lydia's Aunt and Uncle's house to spend the day with her family. It was a beautiful day, so the kids got to spend time playing outside. They also played games with the other kids while we visited. Dinner was terrific! Once home that evening, we went to bed.

We slept in on Friday and then watched cartoons during breakfast. I pulled out the Christmas decorations and then headed into work to do my on-air shift. Lydia and the kids did things around the house, and when I came back home, we packed up and headed to visit with our friends Scott and Cyleste for the evening. The kids played outside until it got dark while we visited and played board games. We had fun, and even to bed once we came home that night.

Saturday was busy. After watching cartoons, we started rearranging the house for the Christmas decorations. Yes, this happens every year... We were able to make room for the big tree and the kids put the ornaments on. They also rode their bikes down the street for a while during the afternoon. Later that evening, Lydia went grocery shopping as the kids and I tried to clean up the Christmas decoration containers. Once the groceries were put away, and the kids were ready for bed, we watched a Christmas movie on Netflix to start the holiday season right. 
