Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The week in one post! (May 18-22, 2009)

Boy, did the week fly by…

Okay, maybe not. So.... there was nothing real interesting to report! But let me give you a quick rundown.

Monday evening was nice, so I grilled chicken and we ate outside. After supper, I decided to mow the front lawn while Lydia watched the kids in the backyard. I got a couple of strips mowed when I hit a rock, and severely damaged the blade!

On Tuesday, after work, we headed over to to Moses' school for their Awards Ceremony. It was neat.

Wednesday was pretty much the same as all other Wednesdays, except now that Master Club is done for the summer break, we got to enjoy Pastor's preaching! Oh, and on the way home, we stopped by Wal-Mart and I purchased a new mower blade.

Thursday evening was pretty good! I got to mow the lawn!!!!!

I was looking forward to the three-day weekend, and Friday evening was the start of it! We again, ate outside. Tacos this time, so no grilling! Nice weather, and plus it wears out the kids! My mom and sibling were gone to West Virginia for a funeral, so we had my dad over for supper.

And that's the week in review!!! 


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lessons from a Canoe Trip (Saturday, May 15, 2009)

This weekend Matt and I went on a camping and canoe trip with some friends. It was my first time canoeing and after tipping the boat a few feet out in the water, with some communication we started to get the hang of it. That was when I started thinking about how much we could learn from our experience in the canoe.
The first thing I thought of was communication and just as it was very important that Matt and I communicated while we were canoeing in order not to tip over, or run into trees or rocks. It is also important for us to communicate to each other in our marriage, if we don't talk and discuss what our plans are for the future we will wind up not knowing what the other is doing and spinning in circles or crashing on the rocks. I was impressed with our communication...after we got started it went really well!
The second thing I noticed was that encouragement also played an important role in helping us achieve our goals.. again like in life.
The third thing I noticed was the trust part...Matt was behind me doing most of the steering, I couldn't see what he was doing and often seeing danger ahead I would try to jump in and fix the problem only to have him tell me I to stop because I was messing things up...I got to wondering how often I do that in our marriage ... jump in and try to fix things because I can't see how what he's doing is going to work. Whereas if I just trust that he is paying attention and can handle it it usually worked out fine. This also has a great spiritual application because we can not see what God is doing in our lives and often want to put our oar in and fix things, when if we would just leave well enough alone we would see that God has everything under control.
The canoe trip was wonderful and I think I learned a valuable lesson!


Camping (Friday, May 14, 2009)

I took a vacation day.

Our friends, Daryn and Amber, planned a camping and canoeing trip. They invited all of the young married couples from our church to attend. Unfortunately, Lydia and I were the only other couple able to go.  It had been planned a month or more in advanced, and for a while Lydia and I wasn't sure we'd be able to swing it. Gas, food, canoe rental…. and we had to find a babysitter. Make that two babysitters!!!

It started out to be a lazy day... we weren't leaving for the campground until 5pm so I had the entire day to get ready. After breakfast, we went to the grocery store! Not my favorite thing to do on a vacation day, but it had to be done. We had to pick up some things for the camping trip anyway!

We got home, ate lunch, and put the kids down for a nap. I started getting things ready for the trip. I had a checklist of things, and I didn't want to forget anything. Bug spray was an essential item!

We dropped the kids off at Lydia's sister's apartment and then headed out. We were a little behind schedule. We ended up leaving Springfield around 6. The trip was pretty long, and it gave us 2-1/2 hours of talk time, which was great. By the time we got to the campground, it was already getting dark.

Daryn and Amber had put up my 8-man tent, and were sitting around the campfire. We unpacked our things and soon joined them. We talked and about dosed off a few times. Around 9:30 the wind suddenly picked up throwing sand in the air! So we hurriedly put up or chairs and put out the fire. Sure enough it rained!

The best part, the rain kept all the bugs away and gave us a cool night. That part I liked! I hate sleeping when I'm hot… just not comfortable! Lydia liked the less bugs part.

Saturday was canoeing, and Lydia wrote about it, so I'll have her post that!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Severe Storms (Wednesday, May 13, 2009)

Well, come spring, it happens. Just like the post on the previous Friday, severe storms are an expected occurrence here in the Ozarks. And they're unpredictable.

At first, the weather service and local station in the area were predicting a severe storm around 4-5pm for Wednesday. When I heard that, I thought to myself, "great, I'll be in it on my way home from work!"
Then Wednesday morning, they pushed it back until 6-7. So my thoughts were on how much fun it was going to be heading to church in this weather!

Toward the end of the workday, they had pushed it back until 9ish. So my thoughts shifted to the fact that it'll be when we'd be heading home from church.

And this is why I our weather can be so frustrating….

We got home, put the kids to bed, checked emails, and then got ready to hit the sack ourselves when it hit! What a storm! Sirens blaring, wind blowing, rain pounding, and kids that were too tired! I put blankets in the tub and put Mysia in there. She slept. Malachi was a different story; he wanted to go back to his bed. The poor boy was half asleep, so I ended up holding him most of the time.

Lydia doesn't like to be enclosed in the bathroom for a long time, so she kept going to the front door to watch the weather. I joined her a time or two. The lightning show was amazing. Unfortunately, it was too dark to see the clouds, so watching the storm wasn't as helpful.

We had the radio on, and I turned on my laptop to watch the radar. The storm was pretty severe. but it didn't do much damage in our area like the previous Friday. I was glad when it all settled down.

Needless to say, it made for a very tired night.


Monday, May 18, 2009

The Teddybear Slayer... (Tuesday, May 12, 2009)

...or should the title be "The Murder of Mr. Fuzzy?"

I'll let you decide!

Lydia got to play a game of "Clue" on Tuesday, and here's the results:

It was Malachi....

In the Bedroom....

With the nail polish!!!

Mr. Fuzzy is a bear I got Lydia while we were engaged. He got his name due the fact that he was shedding. You ever heard of that rhyme?

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy lost his hair.
Then Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy.
Was he?

Anyway, Malachi got into our room and decided to play in Lydia's nail polish while she was making supper!

New fact!!!! Hydrogen Peroxide cleans up nail polish from rugs and teddy bears!


I got to mow! (Monday, May 11, 2009)

Remember my post on how I was only able to mow the front yard? Well, on Monday, the weather was nice enough to allow me to attempt to mow the backyard. I was afraid that the ground would still be wet due to the rain we had received. However, it was dry!

The grass in was a little high and thick… so it took a little longer than usual. But hey, as long as the lawn got mowed, I was happy! I was afraid that it was going to get too high to tackle with the lawnmower!


Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 10, 2009)

I found out that this special day is one you don't forget. That doesn't matter whether you are a child or a husband. Especially if you are a husband…

It is a husband's responsibility to remember Mother's Day, and make sure the mother is recognized. He is to remind the kids, help the kids, support the kids, and most of all… show how appreciative he is to his wife! Saying it, just doesn't count. Trust me!

Now that I have your attention, you may be thinking I must have done something wrong this year. Nope… (at least, not that I know of). Those are some things I've picked up on in years past. I'm hoping that I'll learn from my mistakes, and never repeat them. I hope that each year I'll do better!

But then, what am I thinking? I'm a guy. A husband. I'm Matt… something will happen!!!   -Oh well!

Anyway, this year went pretty well. For my dear mother, I gave her a card with a gift card to a restaurant. That way her and my dad could go out to eat sometime. I knew she's like that better than some trinket or something that just takes up space on a shelf (and that a grandkid may find and tear up).

Now at first, I thought getting a gift for Lydia would be hard. I'm mean, she's got everything she needs… she has me!

But seriously… I didn't know what to get her. So I did a wise thing. I asked. She gave it some thought, and then mentioned she'd like a food processor. Food processor? My mind started thinking… process food, for what? Then she explained it was like her little machine that she had used to ground up the food to make baby food for Malachi. It was one of those "Oh.." moments! Anyway, that's what I got her.

Now, when I went to buy the food processor, I made sure she had a good brand. And most of all, I got some extra brownie points! I made sure and got one that was dishwasher safe!!!!! Yep… I did good this year!

Oh, in case you're wondering what we did for Mother's day… we went over to Lydia's folk's house that afternoon. We ate, tried to get the kids to take a nap, and visited.

Sam’s Graduation, and other activities (Saturday, May 9, 2009)

Saturday was the day! …and we didn't get to sleep in!

We got up, got the kids dressed, and started getting ready. Quartet practice we scheduled from 9:30-Noon. I grabbed our equipment and put it all together. Like usual, we had a good practice.

Afterwards, we fed the kids lunch, and put them in bed. But that didn't last long. We had to be a birthday party for Malachi's buddy Aaron (Lydia used to baby-sit him). The party started at 2 and we got there 15 minutes late.. mostly due to the fact Lydia didn't have the directions written down right, and she was driving! Lol!  It was fun. The kids played, we got to visit and meet their family, and we got served hotdogs and hamburgers off the grill.

We had to rush out, once again, and head to yet another birthday party. This one was for our youth pastor/songleader's son, who is also one of Malachi's buddies, Asa. The party started at , but we didn't show up until 3:45. It was held at one of the massive parks in town, Ritter Springs Park. After eating some cake and ice cream, we got to watch Asa open his gifts. The kids played for a bit. We then hit on the idea to visit the cave on the park. It was a good walk from where we were at, but we went for it. The walk was actually longer than I remembered, and Malachi rode on my shoulders the entire way there, even up the hiking trail to the mouth of the cave. Mysia complained that she was getting tired, and Lydia wore sandals!

By the time we left the party, it was too late to do anything else but go home, get cleaned up, and head over to Sam's graduation. We were hoping that we'd get a chance to visit with family before-hand, but with all that went on, time was not on our side!

We got to Evergreen Church in with plenty of time to spare, which is good, considering we're not always the most punctual family! Once there, we spotted the rest of my family and grabbed a seat they had saved us.

My hope was that Malachi would behave as well as he did at the homeschool drama earlier, but that didn't happen. Not that he was bad, but graduations aren't as entertaining to a 1 year-old as a musical! Mysia did fairly well, but was ready to go halfway through the ceremony. Samuel's speech held their attention however. Now whether it was due to the fact that he was their uncle, or that he was the first one to speak, I'll never know!

After the ceremony, we went into the commons area and had some cookies and punch. There wasn't much room for all of us to sit, so we stood around a table. We didn't stay for long though, and soon everyone headed to my parent's house. Since it was Saturday, we headed the church first to pick up the van for Sunday, and then met up with everyone.

We had a great visit, and didn't get to bed until after midnight!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Springfield Landmark... gone!

Today I drove down Sunshine and noticed that a Springfield landmark is now gone.. the building that once held Leong's Tea House!

A unique building, but what it held is now legendary. Owned by David Leong, the inventor of Cashew Chicken, Leong's Tea House was the place to go for the now famous dish!

As a lover of cashew chicken... I couldn't help but post this news.

For more reading on this wonderful dish.. check out the following links:

Taking cover…. And then visiting with family (Friday, May 8th)

When I woke up Friday morning, there was barely any light outside. More rain…! "There goes mowing tonight", I thought to myself as I got ready to go into work. As I left the house I noticed it was darker then when I gotten up. The rain had already gotten worse, and the wind had picked up. Normal Ozark weather…

It was moving day at work. We were all shuffled around a bit, and moving to new spots within our department. So I knew from the get-go that at least the morning was going to be somewhat hectic and different. However, none of us imagined how different it would be. In the middle of us all moving our equipment and stuff from cubicle to cubicle, the weather got worse, and we were under a tornado warning.

It's nothing too new.. we get these warnings several times during the year. The last two tornado/storms hit pretty close to home (and work), and this one seemed to be heading in our direction. At my place of work, our tornado shelter is a long hallway. Standing or sitting on the floor are the only options. So, I sat.

The talking was too loud to really hear any reports over the intercom, so I pulled out my iPod and played bomberman while texting Lydia on my cell. Her and the kids were in the bathroom at home listening to the radio.

The storm blew through after an hour. Confirmed touchdowns in towns nearby, and heavy wind damage to our area. In fact, a church not to far from our house had some of the roof blown off from their gym. The highway intersection nearby was even closed down for a bit, the signs blown down.. quite a sight! There were several trees uprooted too! Our neighbors across the street lost their newly built carport to the storm. The winds just picked it up and threw it against the house (Lydia posted the pictures on her facebook page).

When I arrived home from work that evening, I noticed that the wind had picked up the grass clippings and sprinkled them all over the front of our house and garage door! Go figure!

Anyway… we ate supper and watched some "Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers" from the library, before heading my parent's house by 7pm. We planned on going over there to visit with my Grandparents Paasch and my brother and his family. They were coming in for Sam's graduation on Saturday. We knew that Saturday was going to be a busy day for everyone, and wanted to visit as much as we could.

As we pulled up to my parent's house, my cell rang. It was my mom. She told me not to be in a rush, because they just learned my grandparents wouldn't be in until after 10pm. Whoops… too late!

We ended up visiting with my family for several hours. We talked, ate ice cream, and chased kids. Actually, Abigail watched them outside for a good portion of our visit! (Thanks Abigail!!!) We were getting a little restless I guess, and decided to watch "Flushed Away". Twenty minutes into the film, and my grandparents showed up! Soon after, BJ, Ana, and baby Elijah came through the door!

When it was known that Elijah was here, Mysia and Malachi rushed to the living room. They had to get their hands on him. The poor little guy was in danger of be squeezed to death in the name of love! But all went well.

We talked, and talked and talked! Malachi was growing tired… it was way past his bedtime! So we left a little before midnight.

Note: I uploaded pictures on my facebook page!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mowing (Thursday, May 7th)

Well, here in Springfield it's supposed to rain everyday all through next week... and it's been raining everyday here for the past two weeks!!!!     We've had so much rain!

As some of you know, when it rains, my backyard floods. I often tease that I might as well get me a canoe or paddle boat so I can enjoy my back yard. Well, after a good rain, I have to wait for the water to soak into the ground before I can mow. With all this rain, you can imagine how frustrated I was getting.

Thursday had turned out to be a wonderful day. Nice and warm, bright and sunny! When I came home from work, I decided to mow as much as I could. As I stepped into my backyard, I could tell it was still a the ground was still a little saturated with water, but I went ahead and took the mower out of the shed and headed to the front lawn. Boy did it need cut! I couldn't mow as fast as normal since the length of the grass was tall, but I was happy to get it mowed.

Unfortunately, I was unable to mow the entire backyard, only a few strips by the fence. The mower was sinking into the ground… it looks like I'll have to finish it on another day. Thankfully, you can't really notice the backyard from the street, so my house looks pretty good! lol

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Homeschool Drama! (May 5, 2009)

Tuesday night was Sam & Abigail's homeschool drama/play. It was put on by their co-op, a group that meets once a week during the school year and they have classes on various subjects. One of the classes is drama, and both Abigail and Sam are involved! You can tell they love it.

It started at 7:30, and we got there 20 minutes before. Of course, Lydia and I brought the kids. Last years performance was a bit difficult because Malachi wanted down and didn't want to sit, I was hoping that this year would be easier, but I didn't count on it! Sam had reserved seats for the entire family. My parents were there, my grandma Taylor, and my uncle Dallas. Mysia ended up sitting next to my grandma, and was pretty well behaved during the entire program. Before the show, Malachi spent time with Grand-dad (my dad), but when it started he wanted no one but me. He sat on my lap the entire first half! The kids on stage had him intrigued.

During the 15-minute intermission, I walked him around. I knew he was getting tired, and I wanted to get all the energy out of him. So we walked around in the foyer, and then walked up and down the isles. He liked waving at everyone.

When the second half started, he wasn't too thrilled, and by the second song, he was asleep in my arms. There he slept until the end.

Mysia continued to be glued to what was happening on stage. She really enjoyed it! Of course, Lydia and I did as well. The program was very good and entertaining. There were so many parts that made me laugh; I couldn't help but like it!

Sam and Abigail did very well. Sam had some major parts, which was neat, considering this was his last year. You could tell they both had a lot of fun.

By the time we got home, we were all tired. It was a great evening.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Bamboo Tablet

I meant to post on this topic earlier, but since I was having trouble with my yahoo/360° blog, I didn't do it….. so, here it is!

Earlier last month, I celebrated my 27th birthday (on the 9th). Lydia had scheduled a birthday party for me on following Saturday. I got some shirts, candy, beef jerky and money!

I had told Lydia that if I got enough money for my birthday, I wanted to go buy a special item. A new graphic tablet! So, sure enough, I got the right amount of money as gifts! I convinced Sam to take me to Best Buy that evening to buy a Wacom Bamboo Tablet!

It's nice! A lot better than the cheap tablet I had bought several years ago! I have better functionality and control when using it! It's very useful when touching up pictures, drawing, and creating any artwork! In fact, I've already have done some sketching/tracing with it (on my facebook page).

Now why would I, a graphic designer and heavy computer user, rather use a pen in place of a mouse? It's simple! The pen feels more natural, is more precise, and causes less stress on your arm, wrist and hand!

When I first acquired a pen tablet, it took me a while to get used to using it. It was difficult. So I played solitaire! Why solitaire? ……Time for a "Matt Fact":

---A Matt Fact---
According to a 1994 Washington Post article, Microsoft executives wanted Windows Solitaire (a rendering of the game's popular Klondike variant) "to soothe people intimidated by the operating system." Solitaire proved particularly useful in teaching neophytes how to use the mouse. When Microsoft first preloaded solitaire as part of 1990's Windows 3.0, clicking and pointing weren't yet second nature. By dragging and dropping cards, newbies developed the mousing fluency required to use every other Windows program. (The game's pedagogical elements were also a handy cover story. When a Minnesota state legislator got caught playing during a 1995 debate on education funding, she claimed she was merely doing "homework to improve her mouse dexterity.")
--- ---

After getting used to how the graphic tablet worked, I was well on my way at using it! I got good enough, that as a graphic designer at work, I used a large one! I was using it everyday!

However, when I was laid off in January, I began to really miss the nice one from work! It was top-of-the-line, and the one I had at home was, like I said before, cheap…. So I was back working with a mouse. Not much fun! And that's why I got the tablet for my birthday!

A special thanks to my relatives and friends who gave me money for my birthday!


Monday, May 4, 2009

Mysia riding a frog at SDC!

Steppin’ Out in Cape Fair, MO (May 3, 2009)

About a month ago, I had gotten a call from a lady who had heard our quartet sing at Morning Star Church in Crane, MO. She enjoyed our singing, and wondered if we'd be able to sing at a church in Cape Fair on May 3rd. I told her I'd check with they guys, and get back to her.
After confirming with the guys, the date was set. We immediately started working on the rough edges of our songs, and like I mentioned in my last post, we really got in a good practice the day before!

Well, Sunday rolled around, and I packed our equipment in the car. I didn't know if we were going to need our mics, stands, soundboard, and speakers… but I'd rather have them just in case, than not have them at all! I also was sure to pack the video camera and digital camera as well.

Since I drive one of the church vans on Sunday mornings, we decided to stay at the church during the afternoon, and leave from there. That way the kids could get their naps started by the time I got back from my van route!

Sam met us at 3:30, and we headed off to Burger King in Republic to meet up with Greg and his family, and Noah. Greg and his family were already there waiting for us, but we had to wait a bit for Noah. (I guess a bus would be nice… but we're a poor quartet!) We left Republic, and headed our way toward Cape Fair.

It was an interesting drive!

The road went from four lanes to two, smooth to rough, straight to curvy, and curvy to REALLY curvy! There were drop-offs that I knew if we took, no one would find us until who knows when! It took a while to get to our destination, but we made it safely… and early.
Too early!

We got there before 5… and the service wasn't supposed to start until 6. And to our surprise, we looked through the glass doors of the church, and there was a poster on the table that had us down for 7! Whoops! I had distinctly remembered that it was 6… we began to wonder if we were singing twice, or that perhaps it was a misprint! I pulled out my phone.. no signal!

Fortunately, Sam's phone (Altel) had bars, and I was able to get a hold of the lady and she was on her way. The church itself was beautiful, and looking back, I don't know why we didn't get any pictures of our quartet while we were out there!

Anyway, we got set up… and it was a good thing I had brought our mics and stands, we needed them! Noah got the sound set up, and we were ready to go. The night was family night at church, so they had a group of kids sing, and even a duet of girls!  The time was set for 6… the poster was a misprint! (whew!)

It turned out to be a great night. I don't think we did too bad, but then again, I haven't watched the video or listened to the cd they recorded of us singing. I guess I'll find out. We had a good response, and everyone seemed happy with our presentation. God is good!

One more thing… a surprise to us, they had dinner afterwards! So we got to go home on a full stomach! Can't beat that!!!!

If I get a chance sometime in the near future, I hope to post the video (or clips of it) on youtube.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Quartet practice, Ladies’ brunch, and a trip to SDC (May 2, 2009)

As you can tell by the title of this post, Saturday was a very busy day!


We woke up and I started getting ready for quartet practice. Noah (our high tenor) wanted to record some demos as well, so I set my computer up along with our equipment. He's planning on sending the demos to Gold City since their in the process of looking for a high tenor with the departure of Steve Ladd earlier in the week.


Lydia got ready for the Ladies' brunch being held at our church for mothers and daughters. Mysia got to go with her, and got to participate in a little program. She was supposed to be a flower, but since I haven't got a chance to view the video, I'm not sure of what all it was about. Perhaps I can get Lydia to do a post on it!


While Lydia and Mysia were gone, the guys came over for practice. Noah arrived first and we immediately got him started on the recording of the demos. I tried to keep Malachi quiet and occupied… not an easy task!!! I ended up putting "Emperor's New Groove" in the dvd player in the other room it hopes it would be a temporary babysitter. It worked for 15 minutes. Greg and his son Jacob showed up not too long afterwards, and that got Malachi's attention.


It took a while for Sam to show up, so Noah got a good chance of recording several songs through. I kept the computer recording when we started our practice. The plan was to run through our program for Sunday evening. And we did a pretty good job, time wise! There were a few rough edges on a few of the songs we had to work on, so we spent the next few hours doing that! I'm not sure we were completely satisfied, but it was very good practice over all!


I worked on Noah's demos, setting them up in mp3 format for him to be able to email. Lydia and Mysia showed up, and reported how well it went. At that time, it was past lunch, and poor Malachi was getting tired and was hungry. Well… so was I, so I made us some sandwiches.


When the guys finally left, Lydia and I slowly started getting ready to leave. We had planned to go to Silver Dollar City because it was the last weekend for the WorldFest, a festival showcasing many of the countries around the world. When we finally left, it was already after 2pm!


The kids both napped during the hour-long drive up there. The weather wasn't really the best, but we didn't care! We went ahead and loaded the kids in the double stroller and headed into the park! After the restrooms our first destination was to see one of the shows. We ended ups seeing half of an outdoor show before heading off to see one of the grander shows. The outdoor show was a Mexican whip-cracking demonstration and other feats of wonder! It was neat, and the kids enjoyed it!

We then saw the Feet of Fire, an Irish dance show that featured a full band, a stand-up comic, a harp player, a female vocalist, ladies dancing duet with fire, and a whole group of dancers! It was quite a show! Both kids did well, but wanted to be held back and forth, so I didn't get any pictures or anything.


After the show, we went to kiddy rides. I took Mysia and Malachi on the flying butterflies (like the flying elephants, but for little kids). Mysia rode all by herself, and I sat behind Malachi in another butterfly. He didn't like that at first… he wanted to be right with me. He was a little afraid, but that didn't last long!


We got off that ride, and headed over to the Frogs… Malachi didn't want to ride, he was satisfied to sit in the stroller (another surprise!). Mysia, however, rode it twice in a row!


We were about ready to leave, and Mysia asked to ride the Tea Cups. Lydia gets motion sickness easily, so I got to take her! I'm not complaining, just explaining!


Anyway, when we finally got home, we were all tired and ready for bed! It had been a long day!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Let this blog continue!

Howdy everyone!

Matt here!

Just so you know, I'm now going to try to post on here regularly, now that I'm moving all my updates and posts here! I used to post on yahoo 360, but the site has frustrated me enough to cause me to stop posting!

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy reading my family updates, rambles, and rants!! I'm going to try to post here at least 3 times a week! Perhaps I'll get Lydia to once again post something on here from time to time!

Oh yeah... before I forget, if you want to keep updated on what's going on in our lives on a constant day-to-day basis, check us out on facebook! All photos and videos are updated regualary there, and don't forget our constant status updates!!!
