Sunday, May 3, 2009

Quartet practice, Ladies’ brunch, and a trip to SDC (May 2, 2009)

As you can tell by the title of this post, Saturday was a very busy day!


We woke up and I started getting ready for quartet practice. Noah (our high tenor) wanted to record some demos as well, so I set my computer up along with our equipment. He's planning on sending the demos to Gold City since their in the process of looking for a high tenor with the departure of Steve Ladd earlier in the week.


Lydia got ready for the Ladies' brunch being held at our church for mothers and daughters. Mysia got to go with her, and got to participate in a little program. She was supposed to be a flower, but since I haven't got a chance to view the video, I'm not sure of what all it was about. Perhaps I can get Lydia to do a post on it!


While Lydia and Mysia were gone, the guys came over for practice. Noah arrived first and we immediately got him started on the recording of the demos. I tried to keep Malachi quiet and occupied… not an easy task!!! I ended up putting "Emperor's New Groove" in the dvd player in the other room it hopes it would be a temporary babysitter. It worked for 15 minutes. Greg and his son Jacob showed up not too long afterwards, and that got Malachi's attention.


It took a while for Sam to show up, so Noah got a good chance of recording several songs through. I kept the computer recording when we started our practice. The plan was to run through our program for Sunday evening. And we did a pretty good job, time wise! There were a few rough edges on a few of the songs we had to work on, so we spent the next few hours doing that! I'm not sure we were completely satisfied, but it was very good practice over all!


I worked on Noah's demos, setting them up in mp3 format for him to be able to email. Lydia and Mysia showed up, and reported how well it went. At that time, it was past lunch, and poor Malachi was getting tired and was hungry. Well… so was I, so I made us some sandwiches.


When the guys finally left, Lydia and I slowly started getting ready to leave. We had planned to go to Silver Dollar City because it was the last weekend for the WorldFest, a festival showcasing many of the countries around the world. When we finally left, it was already after 2pm!


The kids both napped during the hour-long drive up there. The weather wasn't really the best, but we didn't care! We went ahead and loaded the kids in the double stroller and headed into the park! After the restrooms our first destination was to see one of the shows. We ended ups seeing half of an outdoor show before heading off to see one of the grander shows. The outdoor show was a Mexican whip-cracking demonstration and other feats of wonder! It was neat, and the kids enjoyed it!

We then saw the Feet of Fire, an Irish dance show that featured a full band, a stand-up comic, a harp player, a female vocalist, ladies dancing duet with fire, and a whole group of dancers! It was quite a show! Both kids did well, but wanted to be held back and forth, so I didn't get any pictures or anything.


After the show, we went to kiddy rides. I took Mysia and Malachi on the flying butterflies (like the flying elephants, but for little kids). Mysia rode all by herself, and I sat behind Malachi in another butterfly. He didn't like that at first… he wanted to be right with me. He was a little afraid, but that didn't last long!


We got off that ride, and headed over to the Frogs… Malachi didn't want to ride, he was satisfied to sit in the stroller (another surprise!). Mysia, however, rode it twice in a row!


We were about ready to leave, and Mysia asked to ride the Tea Cups. Lydia gets motion sickness easily, so I got to take her! I'm not complaining, just explaining!


Anyway, when we finally got home, we were all tired and ready for bed! It had been a long day!


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