Monday, May 18, 2009

Sam’s Graduation, and other activities (Saturday, May 9, 2009)

Saturday was the day! …and we didn't get to sleep in!

We got up, got the kids dressed, and started getting ready. Quartet practice we scheduled from 9:30-Noon. I grabbed our equipment and put it all together. Like usual, we had a good practice.

Afterwards, we fed the kids lunch, and put them in bed. But that didn't last long. We had to be a birthday party for Malachi's buddy Aaron (Lydia used to baby-sit him). The party started at 2 and we got there 15 minutes late.. mostly due to the fact Lydia didn't have the directions written down right, and she was driving! Lol!  It was fun. The kids played, we got to visit and meet their family, and we got served hotdogs and hamburgers off the grill.

We had to rush out, once again, and head to yet another birthday party. This one was for our youth pastor/songleader's son, who is also one of Malachi's buddies, Asa. The party started at , but we didn't show up until 3:45. It was held at one of the massive parks in town, Ritter Springs Park. After eating some cake and ice cream, we got to watch Asa open his gifts. The kids played for a bit. We then hit on the idea to visit the cave on the park. It was a good walk from where we were at, but we went for it. The walk was actually longer than I remembered, and Malachi rode on my shoulders the entire way there, even up the hiking trail to the mouth of the cave. Mysia complained that she was getting tired, and Lydia wore sandals!

By the time we left the party, it was too late to do anything else but go home, get cleaned up, and head over to Sam's graduation. We were hoping that we'd get a chance to visit with family before-hand, but with all that went on, time was not on our side!

We got to Evergreen Church in with plenty of time to spare, which is good, considering we're not always the most punctual family! Once there, we spotted the rest of my family and grabbed a seat they had saved us.

My hope was that Malachi would behave as well as he did at the homeschool drama earlier, but that didn't happen. Not that he was bad, but graduations aren't as entertaining to a 1 year-old as a musical! Mysia did fairly well, but was ready to go halfway through the ceremony. Samuel's speech held their attention however. Now whether it was due to the fact that he was their uncle, or that he was the first one to speak, I'll never know!

After the ceremony, we went into the commons area and had some cookies and punch. There wasn't much room for all of us to sit, so we stood around a table. We didn't stay for long though, and soon everyone headed to my parent's house. Since it was Saturday, we headed the church first to pick up the van for Sunday, and then met up with everyone.

We had a great visit, and didn't get to bed until after midnight!

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