Monday, May 11, 2009

Mowing (Thursday, May 7th)

Well, here in Springfield it's supposed to rain everyday all through next week... and it's been raining everyday here for the past two weeks!!!!     We've had so much rain!

As some of you know, when it rains, my backyard floods. I often tease that I might as well get me a canoe or paddle boat so I can enjoy my back yard. Well, after a good rain, I have to wait for the water to soak into the ground before I can mow. With all this rain, you can imagine how frustrated I was getting.

Thursday had turned out to be a wonderful day. Nice and warm, bright and sunny! When I came home from work, I decided to mow as much as I could. As I stepped into my backyard, I could tell it was still a the ground was still a little saturated with water, but I went ahead and took the mower out of the shed and headed to the front lawn. Boy did it need cut! I couldn't mow as fast as normal since the length of the grass was tall, but I was happy to get it mowed.

Unfortunately, I was unable to mow the entire backyard, only a few strips by the fence. The mower was sinking into the ground… it looks like I'll have to finish it on another day. Thankfully, you can't really notice the backyard from the street, so my house looks pretty good! lol

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