Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lessons from a Canoe Trip (Saturday, May 15, 2009)

This weekend Matt and I went on a camping and canoe trip with some friends. It was my first time canoeing and after tipping the boat a few feet out in the water, with some communication we started to get the hang of it. That was when I started thinking about how much we could learn from our experience in the canoe.
The first thing I thought of was communication and just as it was very important that Matt and I communicated while we were canoeing in order not to tip over, or run into trees or rocks. It is also important for us to communicate to each other in our marriage, if we don't talk and discuss what our plans are for the future we will wind up not knowing what the other is doing and spinning in circles or crashing on the rocks. I was impressed with our communication...after we got started it went really well!
The second thing I noticed was that encouragement also played an important role in helping us achieve our goals.. again like in life.
The third thing I noticed was the trust part...Matt was behind me doing most of the steering, I couldn't see what he was doing and often seeing danger ahead I would try to jump in and fix the problem only to have him tell me I to stop because I was messing things up...I got to wondering how often I do that in our marriage ... jump in and try to fix things because I can't see how what he's doing is going to work. Whereas if I just trust that he is paying attention and can handle it it usually worked out fine. This also has a great spiritual application because we can not see what God is doing in our lives and often want to put our oar in and fix things, when if we would just leave well enough alone we would see that God has everything under control.
The canoe trip was wonderful and I think I learned a valuable lesson!


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