Thursday, May 7, 2009

Homeschool Drama! (May 5, 2009)

Tuesday night was Sam & Abigail's homeschool drama/play. It was put on by their co-op, a group that meets once a week during the school year and they have classes on various subjects. One of the classes is drama, and both Abigail and Sam are involved! You can tell they love it.

It started at 7:30, and we got there 20 minutes before. Of course, Lydia and I brought the kids. Last years performance was a bit difficult because Malachi wanted down and didn't want to sit, I was hoping that this year would be easier, but I didn't count on it! Sam had reserved seats for the entire family. My parents were there, my grandma Taylor, and my uncle Dallas. Mysia ended up sitting next to my grandma, and was pretty well behaved during the entire program. Before the show, Malachi spent time with Grand-dad (my dad), but when it started he wanted no one but me. He sat on my lap the entire first half! The kids on stage had him intrigued.

During the 15-minute intermission, I walked him around. I knew he was getting tired, and I wanted to get all the energy out of him. So we walked around in the foyer, and then walked up and down the isles. He liked waving at everyone.

When the second half started, he wasn't too thrilled, and by the second song, he was asleep in my arms. There he slept until the end.

Mysia continued to be glued to what was happening on stage. She really enjoyed it! Of course, Lydia and I did as well. The program was very good and entertaining. There were so many parts that made me laugh; I couldn't help but like it!

Sam and Abigail did very well. Sam had some major parts, which was neat, considering this was his last year. You could tell they both had a lot of fun.

By the time we got home, we were all tired. It was a great evening.


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