Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week Rundown! (10/19/14 - 10/25/14)

We got up on Sunday at a good time and got ready for church, making it there early! After services, we did some grocery shopping before coming home. The groceries were put away, we ate supper, and enjoyed the evening together.

It was Pajama day at school on Monday, and the kids were excited. After work, Malachi and I took Mysia to piano lessons and he worked on homework while we waited. We came home for supper. Mysia did homework and I took Buttercup for a walk.

Tuesday was crazy sock day at school, and Mysia had a field trip with her class. That evening we had the kids write letters to relatives before bed.

Wednesday was a busy day for me. News hit the internet that my work was being bought by Radio Training Network, and it was filed with the FCC. The evening was spent with thoughts about my future at KWFC.

Tuesday was busy for me, as KWFC helped host the Pastor's Appreciation Luncheon with all the other Christian Radio stations. The kids spent Thursday evening at Granny's while Lydia and I went to the New Covenant Academy's fundraising banquet. We got to see Mike Huckabee!

After work on Friday, we attended "October Rocks" at the kids' school. Lydia sold tickets and the kids enjoyed playing with their classmates on the inflatables. Pizza was dinner and the kids won prizes and came home with pumpkins.

The kids woke up on Saturday and watched a movie before breakfast. I left to help with the upcoming concert. Lydia made a grocery list and then took the kids shopping. Before meeting me at the concert, they had baths and ate muffins for supper. The concert was fun and I got to meet a lot of listeners. KWFC also made a special announcement!


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week Rundown! (10/12/14 - 10/18/14)

We got up Sunday morning and attended church services. For the afternoon, we watched the "Herbie Rides Again". Both the kids joined me in taking Buttercup for a walk around the neighborhood. We worked on straightening their bedrooms and they played for most of the day.

Monday was very rainy, and we woke up to a flooded backyard. I had to move Buttercup's doghouse to drier ground and tie her up where she wouldn't be in the water. That evening, Mysia attended her piano lessons while Malachi and I waited in the car. Lydia worked a little later than normal, so the kids worked took their showers and worked on writing letters to relatives before she came home. We had a delicious supper and a great evening.

Tuesday morning was iMoms at school, so Lydia got to have breakfast with Mysia and Malachi before they went to their classes. After work that evening, we headed out to visit with Lydia's family. The kids enjoyed playing games with the other kids.

Wednesday evening was spent working on homework and house chores. We also spent some family time together before the kids went to bed. Both Lydia and I were tired, so it didn't take long for us to get a few things done before we went to sleep as well.

We had beautiful weather on Thursday, and the kids were full of energy when we got home. We ate supper and then headed out to our Bible study. We had a great visit with others.

On Friday, I took Buttercup to get her stitches removed from the dewclaw removal several weeks ago. She was excited to get into the van, but not as much when we arrived at the vet. However, she was well behaved. After supper that evening, we went to see Brian Free & Assurance in concert. They did a great job, and I really enjoyed the song "Just Say Amen".

Saturday was fun. We woke up and watched cartoons and ate breakfast. Malachi and I got our haircuts. Housework was also completed, including the week's laundry. After lunch, we went and seen the "Hiding Place" at the Stained Glass Theatre. It was well done, and we all enjoyed it. We stopped by the grocery store before heading home. That evening, we ate supper and watched "Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo". It was fun watching the kids laugh throughout the movie.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week Rundown! (10/05/14 - 10/11/14)

We had a wonderful time at church services Sunday morning. Afterwards, we stopped at a few places to get groceries before coming home. Lunch was fantastic, and we spent the afternoon watching the "Love Bug" as a family. I spent some time repairing the toilet in the main bathroom and caulking the tile around the bathtub as well. The box for the repair kit said that I could install the "gut" for the toilet in 15 minutes. Yeah, they lied. :) The kids played with Buttercup during the evening, trying to keep her away from Lydia and the clean laundry.  

After work on Monday, Mysia attended her piano lessons while Malachi and I waited in the car. Thankfully, the weather was cool. The kids worked on their homework that evening and got it all completed before Lydia arrived home from her Zumba class. They took their showers and got to watch an episode of "Saved By The Bell" before going to bed. Lydia and I watched some TV.

I got to have breakfast with the kids at school on Tuesday morning for the "All Pro Dads". After work, I picked up the kids and made a quick supper. Lydia attended the PTA meeting before coming home and eating. We left and met Memaw, Aunt Lycia, and Aunt Adria at Fun Acres Miniature Golf. The kids did pretty well, and Malachi received the "high score". He was a great sport about it too. Mysia was happy that she beat her brother. We all enjoyed visiting while playing the course.

Wednesday evening was pretty good. Mysia had a bunch of homework to finish when she got home. We enjoyed supper and spent family time together. The kids played with Buttercup, who is healing fast from her surgery last Friday. What an active, growing pup she is!

Thursday evening we attended our small group Bible study. We had a great time of fellowship and learning. Mysia and Malachi had a good time too. Both fell asleep on the way home. It had rained most of the evening, so Buttercup was wet, and glad to see us when we came home.

Friday morning was dreary. It had rained all night and our backyard was flooded. I gave Buttercup the nickname of "Miss Muddy Paws" for the day. The evening was relaxing and we got a few things done around the house.

We got up Saturday morning and the kids watched some cartoons. Lydia worked on a breakfast casserole. We attended balloon release for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day/Month held by Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death (MEND) (www.mend.org). We have a local chapter in Springfield, and we recognized the three miscarriages we had between Mysia and Malachi. We came home, ate lunch, and then went grocery shopping as a family. The weather was cool and a bit dreary, but we headed off to the MAZE in Verona. We met up with our friends from our Thursday evening small group Bible study. It was fun going through the corn maze, eating hot dogs and s'mores around a campfire, and then going on a hayride.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Week Rundown! (09/28/14 - 10/04/14)

Sunday was beautiful. We got up and attended church services. We had a wonderful afternoon getting some rest and doing things around the house as a family. That evening, we got a visit by Sam & Madisen along with their two dogs. Buttercup enjoyed it the most, with all three able to run and play in the backyard for a bit.

Monday was picture day at school, so both kids were dressed up a bit more than normal. Mysia had piano lessons after I got off of work and we had a great supper that evening. Meemaw stopped by for a quick visit for a bit, allowing the kids show off their homework, rooms, etc. After a quick supper, Lydia attended a essential oils meeting. The kids and I worked on homework and watched some TV. Mysia and Malachi spent some time playing with Buttercup before bedtime.

We got a visit from Granny on Tuesday evening. Buttercup seemed to be more excited to see here than the kids, although all three wanted her attention. We talked and shared stories of what we've all been up to lately. Once it started getting dark, she left for home and the we had the kids get ready for bed. I took Buttercup for a late walk.  

Wednesday was the first day of October, so the kids were excited to change the calendar. The weather was nice and not too hot. Once home for the evening, we helped the kids with some homework and ate supper. They also watched some cartoons before we did a family in-home Bible study.

It rained for most of the day on Thursday. Thankfully, the backyard didn't flood and we didn't lose electricity. We attended our group Bible study that evening and noticed the temperatures dropping once we returned home. We closed our windows that night in anticipation for the cold.

Friday was Buttercup's surgery. The kids and I dropped her off at the Vet to get spayed and then I took them to school. After work I picked her up and met Lydia and the kids at home. The Buttercup was drugged and sore, so she slept for the entire evening. I Malachi worked on cleaning his room while Mysia played and gave herself a manicure. Lydia worked on the menu and grocery list for next week.

I got up early Saturday and went to a men's breakfast and Bible conference. It was encouraging and a great message was brought by Pastor Grayson at Ridgecrest. I returned home and then we left to participate in Pregnancy Care Center's "Walk 4 Life" at Jordan Valley Park. A great number of people came this year. We met friends and acquaintances at the event. The weather was a bit cool, but felt great as we did the 4K walk downtown. After eating a lunch there, we stopped by the library real quick and then headed home. The kids worked on cleaning their rooms until Aunt Abigail came and picked them up. Her and Ethan took them to their church BBQ. They ate, played games, and had fun for the evening… making it the "best day ever" according to Malachi. While the kids were gone, Lydia spent time together… grocery shopping! We also had a nice supper together before the kids arrived back at home. We visited with Abigail and Ethan for a bit, and then the kids took showers. We all got to bed at a decent hour that night!!!
