Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week Rundown! (10/19/14 - 10/25/14)

We got up on Sunday at a good time and got ready for church, making it there early! After services, we did some grocery shopping before coming home. The groceries were put away, we ate supper, and enjoyed the evening together.

It was Pajama day at school on Monday, and the kids were excited. After work, Malachi and I took Mysia to piano lessons and he worked on homework while we waited. We came home for supper. Mysia did homework and I took Buttercup for a walk.

Tuesday was crazy sock day at school, and Mysia had a field trip with her class. That evening we had the kids write letters to relatives before bed.

Wednesday was a busy day for me. News hit the internet that my work was being bought by Radio Training Network, and it was filed with the FCC. The evening was spent with thoughts about my future at KWFC.

Tuesday was busy for me, as KWFC helped host the Pastor's Appreciation Luncheon with all the other Christian Radio stations. The kids spent Thursday evening at Granny's while Lydia and I went to the New Covenant Academy's fundraising banquet. We got to see Mike Huckabee!

After work on Friday, we attended "October Rocks" at the kids' school. Lydia sold tickets and the kids enjoyed playing with their classmates on the inflatables. Pizza was dinner and the kids won prizes and came home with pumpkins.

The kids woke up on Saturday and watched a movie before breakfast. I left to help with the upcoming concert. Lydia made a grocery list and then took the kids shopping. Before meeting me at the concert, they had baths and ate muffins for supper. The concert was fun and I got to meet a lot of listeners. KWFC also made a special announcement!


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