Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Week Rundown! (09/28/14 - 10/04/14)

Sunday was beautiful. We got up and attended church services. We had a wonderful afternoon getting some rest and doing things around the house as a family. That evening, we got a visit by Sam & Madisen along with their two dogs. Buttercup enjoyed it the most, with all three able to run and play in the backyard for a bit.

Monday was picture day at school, so both kids were dressed up a bit more than normal. Mysia had piano lessons after I got off of work and we had a great supper that evening. Meemaw stopped by for a quick visit for a bit, allowing the kids show off their homework, rooms, etc. After a quick supper, Lydia attended a essential oils meeting. The kids and I worked on homework and watched some TV. Mysia and Malachi spent some time playing with Buttercup before bedtime.

We got a visit from Granny on Tuesday evening. Buttercup seemed to be more excited to see here than the kids, although all three wanted her attention. We talked and shared stories of what we've all been up to lately. Once it started getting dark, she left for home and the we had the kids get ready for bed. I took Buttercup for a late walk.  

Wednesday was the first day of October, so the kids were excited to change the calendar. The weather was nice and not too hot. Once home for the evening, we helped the kids with some homework and ate supper. They also watched some cartoons before we did a family in-home Bible study.

It rained for most of the day on Thursday. Thankfully, the backyard didn't flood and we didn't lose electricity. We attended our group Bible study that evening and noticed the temperatures dropping once we returned home. We closed our windows that night in anticipation for the cold.

Friday was Buttercup's surgery. The kids and I dropped her off at the Vet to get spayed and then I took them to school. After work I picked her up and met Lydia and the kids at home. The Buttercup was drugged and sore, so she slept for the entire evening. I Malachi worked on cleaning his room while Mysia played and gave herself a manicure. Lydia worked on the menu and grocery list for next week.

I got up early Saturday and went to a men's breakfast and Bible conference. It was encouraging and a great message was brought by Pastor Grayson at Ridgecrest. I returned home and then we left to participate in Pregnancy Care Center's "Walk 4 Life" at Jordan Valley Park. A great number of people came this year. We met friends and acquaintances at the event. The weather was a bit cool, but felt great as we did the 4K walk downtown. After eating a lunch there, we stopped by the library real quick and then headed home. The kids worked on cleaning their rooms until Aunt Abigail came and picked them up. Her and Ethan took them to their church BBQ. They ate, played games, and had fun for the evening… making it the "best day ever" according to Malachi. While the kids were gone, Lydia spent time together… grocery shopping! We also had a nice supper together before the kids arrived back at home. We visited with Abigail and Ethan for a bit, and then the kids took showers. We all got to bed at a decent hour that night!!!


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