Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week Rundown! (05/15/11 - 05/21/11)


We had picked up the church van last night since I didn't have a car to get me to church this morning. However, after going to bed, Malachi woke up and started vomiting! The entire night was spent with him and the throw-up bucket. I spent a great portion of it on floor beside his bed. Not the most comfortable, but better than him getting it on my bed!!!

I ended up taking Mysia with me to church and then on my van route. Lydia stayed home with Malachi. The good part was that Lydia was able to use this chance to catch up on some rest as well. Malachi was still feeling pretty bad during the afternoon, so Mysia and I went to evening services without him and Lydia. We were able to catch a ride home from friends since I didn't have my car. (I'm missing it)

Malachi was still feeling sick throughout the evening, so I figured it was going to be another sleep deprived night... and I was right.


Since Malachi was still sick, Lydia stayed home with him. I took the van since my car is out, and dropped Mysia off at school before heading into work. Lydia had a final that afternoon, so I took a long lunch at home while watching Malachi.

After work, I went and looked at another car. I was able to borrow it for an hour to take over to my friend Ben so he could look at it. It too was not worth the price, or the trouble. So I returned it.


Again, Malachi was still sick. Lydia stayed with him for the day. They dropped me off at work, and Mysia at school.

Lydia and the kids picked me up from work and we dropped Lydia off at college so she could take another final. The kids and I ate supper in front of the tv.

I decided to surprise Lydia, and worked on cleaning the fish tank. Well, that didn't go too well. After carefully removing the fish, the water, and the rocks... the glass broke! Oh.... I was not happy!

Lydia called and was ready for us to pick her back up. After picking her up we headed to the store. We went ahead and bought a new tank and when we got home, set it up. By the time we were finished, it was bed time, so we got the kids showered and ready for bed.


Malachi got to spend the day with Granny. He was good, but still sick. After work, my mom agreed to watch Mysia as well as Lydia and I went to look at another car. It looks like we'll get it if the loan goes through tomorrow morning.

After picking up the kids, we headed home for the evening. Having one vehicle, and a kid sick is making our week interesting. I then had some stomach pains, but it eventually passed. I was afraid I was coming down with something too!


Malachi was feeling better, but still not the best. He did not go to daycare. Lydia took me to work and Mysia to school. She had one last final to take this afternoon, so Granny watched Malachi for a few hours. We were approved a loan for the car we had looked at yesterday, so after work Lydia picked me up and we headed out to fill out the papers!

After purchasing the car, I took the kids home while Lydia headed to OTC for the graduation of several of her classmates. I got the kids to bed by the time she arrived back at home. Lydia wasn't feeling too well, so she went to bed. I decided to as well!


Today was a vacation day for me, and since there was no more school for Lydia, we had planned a lazy day together. Unfortunately, she woke up sick and not feeling well. I took the kids to school and daycare, then came back home. We did get rest... and I worked on a few projects throughout the day.

Lydia was feeling better by late afternoon, so we drove the car to go get the tags switched over. We then picked up Malachi and headed over to Mysia's school. We made it in time for their 'Friday Sing'. As a surprise for all of us, Mysia was awarded with a prize for being caught good in class this week. She was so proud.

After heading home and eating supper, we headed out to MSU for a bowling party that was held by Lydia's Honors Program in celebration of those graduating. There was punch and cake, and bowling of course. Malachi and Mysia bowled a very good game, and beating  most of the adults there,  of course they had the benefit of the bumpers.


Mysia woke up around 2:30 vomiting... So any big plans for today were changed and cancelled.

This afternoon I took Malachi to a birthday party for one of his friends. There were games involving balloons and of course, the pinata. Malachi spent most of the time riding on one of the toy tractors.

When we got back home, we found that Mysia was feeling better. That was a relief. I was afraid that she'd have it as bad as Malachi. Lydia went to coupon meeting with friends. I stayed home and the kids and I watched some videos. I was able to get them put to bed before Lydia got home.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week Rundown! (05/08/11 - 05/14/11)


As I left for church to for the vans, I wished Lydia a happy Mother's Day. She was so sound asleep that I don't even think she realized I was leaving!

Church services were good, and I set next to my mom. I then did the vans and we headed over to my parents' house. We had pizza and visited. We all took naps before heading back to church for evening services.

Afterwards, I showed my car to several of the guys and I was told that my car was a time bomb. One of the rods was bent, and would be more expensive to fix and I should look for another car soon. Great....

We went to Paulette's house so we could spend part of Mother's Day with her as well. We ate and visited. The kids watched some tv and colored.


Today it was back to the normal schedule of course. After the daily stuff, we came home ate a quick supper.

I had quartet practice. Since we're scheduled to sing a special for Sunday evening service, we picked up a new song we all know. It's a bit more 'peppy' than any of the songs we've done before, so it will be interesting. The message in the song is fantastic, so I know it will go over well.

Lydia got the kids in bed before I arrived back at home. She worked on homework while I watched some "Mythbusters". Yes... I'm addicted to that show! I found I can do other things while watching it (sleeping included).


Today was 'salad party' for supper. It went well, and the kids really enjoyed eating their creation. Afterwards was showers and homework. We did watch a some tv together before putting them down for bed. Lydia worked on a paper and I crashed on the couch after working on a few things!


As I have mentioned before, my car hasn't been doing very well. On the way home, the car died on me! While going through an intersection, there was a boom and smoke. I glided to a stop on the side of the road. I called Lydia, and she picked me up, leaving the car there until after church.

Tonight was the  last night of Master Clubs (children's church) for the summer. The awards went well. We'll miss working with the kids, but I'll be nice to have a break for the next few months.

Lydia and the kids went home, and Sam drove me to my car. We hooked up my car and he towed my car home. It's sad to see my car in my driveway, knowing it's not going anywhere without truck moving it!


Lydia took me into work after we dropped Malachi off at daycare. She then dropped Mysia off at school and headed to the college. When classes were done, she went and got Mysia and then picked me up as well. We headed over to an auto dealer to look at a few cars.

There was one I really wanted. However, it was higher than what we could afford. They let me take home another car for the evening. Needless to say, it was not for us.

Lydia had a meeting at the college, and the kids and I spent the evening together.


I had the car from the dealership, and not happy with how it was running and handling. So after work, we took it back. Abigail had picked up Mysia from school, so we went by and picked both of them up and then got Malachi from daycare. We stopped by home to grab a bite to eat before heading to Mysia's school.

The event was the year-end block party. They had food and games, each for 50¢. They had some inflatable jumping things for them to play on. We spent a few hours there until I ran out of money. The kids had a blast.

Back at home, we watched some Andy Griffith before putting them to bed. We then stayed up and watched "Amazing Grace" for the first time. It was a very good movie.


Abigail had spent the night so Lydia and I could get up and go to a the 'Get Prepared Expo' downtown. I had received tickets through the radio station, and we were interested to see what they had to offer. We walked around, viewed the booths, and even listened in to a few of the seminars. Nothing really struck our interest, but it was an neat event to attend.

We ate lunch at home and took naps. For the evening, we attended our Sunday school class activity at our teachers' house. It was dinner and visiting. We really enjoyed our time there. The kids did too. It was great getting to talk with our friends from class.

Back at home, we gave the kids showers and all went to bed. What a week!


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Week Rundown! (05/01/11 - 05/01/11)


Today was nice, weather-wise. My van route for church was low. Church was great. During the afternoon, the kids took naps. I wanted one, but didn't get to do it. The day wasn't too busy, but enough to make me tired at the end. The constant change of weather is what I blame it on!


Wow.. another start of the work-week. For those wondering, I'm enjoying my new job at KWFC radio. They're keeping me busy, learning new things and putting my knowledge of design to the test... but I don't regret the move! It's also one of the best work environments too. (I'll have to make an individual blog post on my job sometime)

The evening went by pretty well, we ate roast, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. We had a bit of trouble with Malachi eating the potatoes though. He has a stubborn streak that shows through when asked to eat food he doesn't want. Mysia worked on homework before we had them take their showers.

After getting them to bed, Lydia started on her homework and I did a grocery run. The weekend had been too busy, so I had waited until we were out of food!


We ate a quick supper and rushed off to Evergreen Church. Abigail's homeschool group was putting on a drama, something they do every year. The production was pretty good, and Abigail did well. The kids did well in sitting and watching it. By the time it was over, Malachi had fallen asleep in my arms and Mysia was tired. When we got home, we all went straight to bed.


Malachi did a little trick at daycare. He was asked to eat peas and threw a fit about it. Finally his teacher made him eat only one. He put it in his mouth, gagged, and vomited! The teacher was very apologetic to Lydia when she picked up Malachi. Lydia was upset, but not at the teacher. Malachi has done this trick to us several times. It's a way he can get out of eating food he doesn't care for, and he does it on purpose. Boy, did he get in trouble when he got home.

Church services were cancelled for tonight in place of the visitation of Percy Phillip. So after coming home, we ate supper and headed over to church. The kids played outside with the others while we visited with those in the auditorium. They had a wonderful slideshow running that displayed pictures of Percy through the years. A great tribute.

When we arrived home, we got the kids ready for bed, Lydia worked on homework, and I worked on a few projects.


I had the privilege to ride to church with my boss to attend the funeral service of Percy Philips. It was done very well, and I was glad I was able to go. Back at work, Sam stopped by and we had a late lunch while visiting for a bit.

Mysia lost another tooth at school today. She was picked up by Abigail took her home with her.
Lydia picked up Malachi after school and I met them at home. With Mysia not there, he was after attention from us. We ate, played, and watched some Andy Griffith. My mom and Abigail dropped Mysia off later, and they visited for a while. They also brought over their new little puppy.


This evening was a bit hectic. After getting home, we ate supper real quick and all headed out. Lydia had a meeting with her Honor's society, and I took the kids to church. Mysia was taking playing a part in the drama for the ladies' brunch tomorrow morning, and they needed to practice. So while she went over her parts, Malachi watched a movie on my iPod while I half dozed on one of the pews!

Back at home, we watched some cartoons until Lydia arrived. Then we got them ready for bed.


We woke up early and got ready as quickly as we could. Lydia and Mysia left for the Ladies' Brunch at church, while Malachi and I left for Wal-mart for an oil change. The car had been noisy, and I was told that an oil change might fix the problem. Well, I was told that the wait would be over and hour, so I told them to call me since I'd probably have a hard time hearing a page over the speakers.
Malachi and I browsed the toy department, the electronics department, and then watched some movie on the tvs. Sam met us there and we grabbed a few things before heading over to see what the progress was on my car. They guy said they had 'paged' earlier and denied the oil change because my car was making a strange noise. Uh... duh! By the way, I wasn't happy that they didn't call as I requested.

Anyway, with Sam's help, the oil was changed at my house, along with the belt. Unfortunately, the car engine is still knocking! Afterwards, Sam and I pulled out our laptops and worked on a few things and ideas.

Lydia and Mysia had a good time at the church, and also stayed to help clean up. They also went to the hospital to visit Lydia's grandma. When they came home, we headed to Sam's Club to grab some grocery's and Mother's Day gift for Lydia. Yes, I let her pick out what she wanted. She also got a vase of flowers!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Week Rundown! (04/17/11 - 04/23/11)


Today was Easter! After doing vans, I participated in the cantata for the morning service. It went well, and pastor ended with a wonderful message.

We spent the afternoon at my parents' house. We ate fried chicken and a ton of other food. We visited and enjoyed the the time together before heading back to church for the evening service.


Rain, rain, rain! Ugh!!! We got a ton of it today! Lighting even took out the phones at work.
On the way home, I ran into water that was too deep for my car, and it stalled. After about 20 minutes, I got it started again and made it home. My car squeaks badly though!

The evening consisted of dinner, homework, some housework, and some tv.


The day went by quickly. We had a quick dinner, and homework was the theme for Lydia and Mysia this evening. Mysia thinks that it's not fair that she has homework and Malachi doesn't, but we remind her that he'll get his chance soon enough.

I had quartet practice tonight. We sing this Saturday, so we had to make sure that we could run through the songs. It all went pretty well.

Lydia had the kids in bed by the time I arrived back at home. I then took the time to attend to the 'broken' dryer. It wasn't much fun, but I took it apart to look at it. I didn't find a broken belt, and it seemed pretty good, so I put it back together and it was working. Hey, that saves me money!!!


We all got up, headed to our places for the day, and made it home safely. Nothing eventful happened. We ate a quick supper and headed off to church. All the kids were hyper. Several days of rain will do that I guess.


After everyone got home after a nice day, we just hung out. It was basically homework, watched tv, and then headed to bed. Thursdays are our relax days... which is good.


I had a busy week at work, and was able to leave early, meeting Lydia and Malachi at home. We then picked up Mysia and headed over to Memaw's house. She had agreed to watch the kids while Lydia and I had a 'date night'! How exciting!

For dinner, we met Lydia's honors members at a local restaurant downtown called Pickles. We enjoyed the food and then headed over to the Gilloiz Theater to watch OTC's production of "Our Town". I've never been disappointed in seeing a play, and this was no different.

By the time we got home after picking them up, the kids were tired and ready for bed. We didn't stay up either.


Since it had rained all week, I knew that I'd better get the lawn mowed. So after getting up, I quickly made breakfast and got outside to mow the lawn. Thankfully the grass wasn't too long, but I was still thick!

After I was done and changed, I made the family get ready and we headed out to the zoo. Today was Spring $1 day plus Teddy Bear Rally. We took our teddy bears, and visited the teddy clinics and booths while viewing all the animals. Monkeys, tigers, elephants, giraffes, wolfs and more were all out for us to gawk at. Would you believe it, but the snake house was the most popular to all but Lydia! ;)

Back at home, we snacked and watched TV before going to bed.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May The 4th Be With You....

Yup, I just couldn't resist! Today is a punny day!

For those wondering where my "week run-through" post is, don't worry, it will be coming soon. I've been a busy guy! It's on my list of things to complete, but not on the very top just yet. I might end up combining it with this the listing of this weeks', I don't know. I guess it all depends on if I get to it on time!
