Friday, May 6, 2011

Week Rundown! (04/17/11 - 04/23/11)


Today was Easter! After doing vans, I participated in the cantata for the morning service. It went well, and pastor ended with a wonderful message.

We spent the afternoon at my parents' house. We ate fried chicken and a ton of other food. We visited and enjoyed the the time together before heading back to church for the evening service.


Rain, rain, rain! Ugh!!! We got a ton of it today! Lighting even took out the phones at work.
On the way home, I ran into water that was too deep for my car, and it stalled. After about 20 minutes, I got it started again and made it home. My car squeaks badly though!

The evening consisted of dinner, homework, some housework, and some tv.


The day went by quickly. We had a quick dinner, and homework was the theme for Lydia and Mysia this evening. Mysia thinks that it's not fair that she has homework and Malachi doesn't, but we remind her that he'll get his chance soon enough.

I had quartet practice tonight. We sing this Saturday, so we had to make sure that we could run through the songs. It all went pretty well.

Lydia had the kids in bed by the time I arrived back at home. I then took the time to attend to the 'broken' dryer. It wasn't much fun, but I took it apart to look at it. I didn't find a broken belt, and it seemed pretty good, so I put it back together and it was working. Hey, that saves me money!!!


We all got up, headed to our places for the day, and made it home safely. Nothing eventful happened. We ate a quick supper and headed off to church. All the kids were hyper. Several days of rain will do that I guess.


After everyone got home after a nice day, we just hung out. It was basically homework, watched tv, and then headed to bed. Thursdays are our relax days... which is good.


I had a busy week at work, and was able to leave early, meeting Lydia and Malachi at home. We then picked up Mysia and headed over to Memaw's house. She had agreed to watch the kids while Lydia and I had a 'date night'! How exciting!

For dinner, we met Lydia's honors members at a local restaurant downtown called Pickles. We enjoyed the food and then headed over to the Gilloiz Theater to watch OTC's production of "Our Town". I've never been disappointed in seeing a play, and this was no different.

By the time we got home after picking them up, the kids were tired and ready for bed. We didn't stay up either.


Since it had rained all week, I knew that I'd better get the lawn mowed. So after getting up, I quickly made breakfast and got outside to mow the lawn. Thankfully the grass wasn't too long, but I was still thick!

After I was done and changed, I made the family get ready and we headed out to the zoo. Today was Spring $1 day plus Teddy Bear Rally. We took our teddy bears, and visited the teddy clinics and booths while viewing all the animals. Monkeys, tigers, elephants, giraffes, wolfs and more were all out for us to gawk at. Would you believe it, but the snake house was the most popular to all but Lydia! ;)

Back at home, we snacked and watched TV before going to bed.


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