Monday, May 4, 2009

Steppin’ Out in Cape Fair, MO (May 3, 2009)

About a month ago, I had gotten a call from a lady who had heard our quartet sing at Morning Star Church in Crane, MO. She enjoyed our singing, and wondered if we'd be able to sing at a church in Cape Fair on May 3rd. I told her I'd check with they guys, and get back to her.
After confirming with the guys, the date was set. We immediately started working on the rough edges of our songs, and like I mentioned in my last post, we really got in a good practice the day before!

Well, Sunday rolled around, and I packed our equipment in the car. I didn't know if we were going to need our mics, stands, soundboard, and speakers… but I'd rather have them just in case, than not have them at all! I also was sure to pack the video camera and digital camera as well.

Since I drive one of the church vans on Sunday mornings, we decided to stay at the church during the afternoon, and leave from there. That way the kids could get their naps started by the time I got back from my van route!

Sam met us at 3:30, and we headed off to Burger King in Republic to meet up with Greg and his family, and Noah. Greg and his family were already there waiting for us, but we had to wait a bit for Noah. (I guess a bus would be nice… but we're a poor quartet!) We left Republic, and headed our way toward Cape Fair.

It was an interesting drive!

The road went from four lanes to two, smooth to rough, straight to curvy, and curvy to REALLY curvy! There were drop-offs that I knew if we took, no one would find us until who knows when! It took a while to get to our destination, but we made it safely… and early.
Too early!

We got there before 5… and the service wasn't supposed to start until 6. And to our surprise, we looked through the glass doors of the church, and there was a poster on the table that had us down for 7! Whoops! I had distinctly remembered that it was 6… we began to wonder if we were singing twice, or that perhaps it was a misprint! I pulled out my phone.. no signal!

Fortunately, Sam's phone (Altel) had bars, and I was able to get a hold of the lady and she was on her way. The church itself was beautiful, and looking back, I don't know why we didn't get any pictures of our quartet while we were out there!

Anyway, we got set up… and it was a good thing I had brought our mics and stands, we needed them! Noah got the sound set up, and we were ready to go. The night was family night at church, so they had a group of kids sing, and even a duet of girls!  The time was set for 6… the poster was a misprint! (whew!)

It turned out to be a great night. I don't think we did too bad, but then again, I haven't watched the video or listened to the cd they recorded of us singing. I guess I'll find out. We had a good response, and everyone seemed happy with our presentation. God is good!

One more thing… a surprise to us, they had dinner afterwards! So we got to go home on a full stomach! Can't beat that!!!!

If I get a chance sometime in the near future, I hope to post the video (or clips of it) on youtube.


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