Monday, March 11, 2013

Week Rundown! (03/03/13 - 03/09/13)

Sunday was a pretty good day. The weather was nice and the kids were supposed to take naps in the afternoon. Unfortunately, Malachi decided to play instead, which made him tired and fidgety during the evening services. Lydia and the ladies from the retreat did their presentation of their time together over the weekend.

On Monday, I got the fun of coming home for lunch for several hours while AT&T installed the new U-Verse technology for our internet. It was an upgrade at a cheaper price than what we were paying with the basic DSL. That evening, Mysia had piano lessons, and is doing pretty good. We ate beef stew, and I did some shopping while Lydia prepared for a huge test and homework due for the following day

Tuesday was the big fundraiser at KWFC. I kept busy for the record-breaking day, and didn't get home until after 9:30 that evening. That left Lydia with with the kids after she was finished with classes. They had McDonalds for supper and then went to see Rachel Cruze (Dave Ramsey's daughter) speak to the students at MSU. At first she wasn't sure how well the kids would do, but they were good and having them with her actually got her some recognition by the dean of the College of Business who came over and talked to Lydia taking an interest in her and what classes she was taking and told her to contact her if she ever needs anything. After listening to Rachel speak, they had some time before Lydia's group meeting so they moved the van and then listened to Adventures in Odyssey. When they went to Lydia's group meeting, they played with the children of one of Lydia's classmates becoming instant friends.  On the way home they stopped for caramel sundaes as a treat since the kids had been so good.

It was "fun night" for the children's services at church on Wednesday. Mysia was one of the kids chosen to bring home a craft to decorate for one of the shut-ins.

We decided to a have a fun family night on Thursday. After coming home, we ate supper and then went to see "Wreck-it Ralph". We all enjoyed the movie... or at least, what we got to see. Thanks to Malachi, he and I spent 10% of the time in the bathroom throughout the feature. ;)

Friday evening was clean-up and chores before playing some Mario Kart on the Wii. We were able to get a lot accomplished before bedtime!

Once up from bed on Saturday, Lydia left for work. The kids watched some cartoons before we headed off for our Tae Kwon Do class. After class, the kids played outside at church, enjoying the weather. Sam went with us as we checked out a piano. We stopped by the store to pick up some food items and things for home improvement that I've been meaning to get to. Then it was back home for a late lunch with Popeye on tv, and a short nap. Lydia came home and we had the kids take their weekend baths before bed.


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