Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Week Rundown! (04/8/12 - 04/14/12)


Easter! We woke up early and made it to the 8am Sunrise Services. I left during the start of the preaching to run van routes. They served breakfast before Sunday School. During the morning services, the choir performed a 30-minute Easter Cantata. Of course, being in the choir, I got to participate.

After doing the van routes, we headed over to my parent's house for lunch. We all picked up cashew chicken... yum! What a fantastic Easter lunch! Ha! We also celebrated my birthday, which is actually tomorrow. The kids got the chance for an easter egg hunt in the backyard, then it was naps! Since there was no choir practice, the afternoon was longer.


Today was my birthday, and what a busy day it was! I spent most of the day at work since it was the first day of the spring fund raising... We had a goal of 43,000 to reach for specific needs that are not under our regular budget. Since I worked into the evening, answering calls and helping the on-air guys, Lydia got to take care of the kids and do her homework!


Spring fundraising. Lydia had PTA, so her and Malachi picked up a quick supper. I picked up Mysia and headed over to the school. I let the kids play in the playground until Lydia was finished with the PTA meeting. We then headed home, ate ramen noodles, and got the kids to bed. Lydia worked on a ton of homework while I did some shopping at the store.


Lyda didn't get much sleep the night before and was wore out for most of the day. We were still doing the Spring Fundraiser at the station, so we were dragging when it came to supper. Church was pretty good. The kids did well, and the evenings was pretty smooth.


This morning the fundraiser at work came to an end! Yay! It was neat listening from our listeners, and hearing their personal testimonies on how KWFC has blessed them through the years. We have some very loyal listeners!

All the focus switched to concert preparation... that is supposed to be tomorrow night! I had a lot to accomplish.

This evening, Lydia wasn't feeling too well. Her head was stopped up, sore throat, and she had a slight temperature! It stormed during the night, and Malachi and Mysia ended up sleeping on the floor of our bedroom due to the HUGE thunderclaps that shook the house.


Lydia was sick with the cold. She felt so terrible she wrote her instructors and called in sick for work. She spent the day in bed, sleeping.

I was busy at work all day! I was in charge of the media, and there was a lot to go over. We also had to set things up, and welcome the artist. There are many things to do for a big event like this! Many people were calling about tickets and information up to the time that the doors opened at 5:15!

The Diplomats, the Triumphant Quartet, and Karen Peck & New River did very well, and kept most of the crowd until the end around 10:30. I got to meet several of my SG friends, and talk to the artists! Although it was a long day, it was fun!

Since I was busy at the concert, the kids stayed home with Lydia. They watched movies and cuddled together due to another slew of severe thunderstorms that come through the area.


I was hoping to mow, but due to all the rain... there was no way!!! Our backyard remained flooded. The rain was so bad that we lost electricity for about 30 minutes in the morning, interrupting the cartoons on Netflix for Mysia and Malachi. They were a bit disappointed, but thought it was neat that they could use their flashlights.

Lydia went to work for most of the day. The kids and I watched tv, played games, and did some art/drawing. Of course, naps on a rainy day was a must! lol. Before supper, I took them grocery shopping... that was interesting! We spent more time than needed in most of the isles!


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