Monday, April 2, 2012

Week Rundown (03/25/12-03/31/12)


Malachi attended the men's prayer breakfast with me this morning, and then I ran the church vans. The day was nice, and was glad for nice weather.


Had cashew chicken for supper. We spend the evening as family time together. I did the weekly grocery shopping once the kids went to bed, Lydia worked on her homework.


Mysia had her appointment with throat surgeon after school. They'll plan on surgery early summer after school. So we'll wait and see what happens.


The day went by fast, and church services were good.


I attended a library social club meeting with a friend. I'm helping them develop a logo. It was a neat experience.

This evening was spent at home. We did some housework and let the kids play before bed.


Today was busy for me. I now host a radio show every Sunday afternoon from noon-three, so it I had the privilege of going in the studio and pre-recording. It was neat, but I stumbled a little. I'm sure things will be more smoother the more I do it every week.

Tonight I got to help with the Dove Brothers concert in town. It was neat getting to see friends. Of course, the quartet did a great job. Lydia had family over, and the kids played Nintendo until time for bed.


Well, I woke up and made burnt muffins for breakfast. Hey... I'm don't claim to be a great cook!

Lydia met with a classmate at the library to work on a project. The kids and I tagged along, but stayed in the children's section for the entire time. I discovered and a half hours is a long time at the library... with kids!

We had lunch at home and then Lydia left go to work. While she was gone, I mowed lawn while kids napped. Boy, it needed it! Afterwards, Lydia and I got ready and headed out to the appreciation banquet for the Pregnancy Care Center. It was a really neat event, and the speaker was awesome!


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