Monday, February 6, 2012

Week Rundown (01/29/12-02/04/12)


I woke up and took Malachi with me to church for Men's Prayer Breakfast. I then dropped him off at my folks and picked up Abigail and Mysia for my van route.

Lydia wasn't feeling well during Sunday School, so she went home. The kids got to spend the afternoon with Granny & Granddad. I came home and took a nap. Evening services were good.


Today was back to the regular weekly schedule.... school, daycare, and work. I got of work, picked up the kids, and had supper made by the time Lydia got home. She was working late. Mysia was a bit cranky, and Malachi wasn't the best behaved either, so I got them ready for bed earlier than normal. Sure enough, they were tired.


When Lydia picked Malachi up from daycare, he was a bit sluggish and he was complaining about his ear hurting. We decided to take him to the clinic. Mysia had been complaining about her throat as well, so we figured it wouldn't hurt for her to be checked out as well. Come to find out, Malachi did indeed have an ear infection. Mysia... had strep throat!

Since we didn't eat anything before heading to the clinic, and with the fact that we had to wait for each visit and wait on the prescriptions, we were very hungry. We then decided to forget making supper, and picked up McDonald's food on the way home. The kids enjoyed that idea.


Since both kids were sick, Lydia stayed home with them while I went into work. She had thought that today would be more peaceful since they would be not feeling the best and resting, but she was wrong. Both kids were active and feeling good!

After supper, I headed to church alone since we didn't want to bring sick kids along. It was a good thing... Lydia didn't feel to well this evening either!


Lydia went to school, I dropped Malachi off at daycare, and the I dropped Mysia off with her Aunt Abigail before heading into work. The doctor at the clinic on Tuesday had told us that Mysia couldn't go back to school for 48 hours after antibiotics. I'm so thankful that family can help us in times like these.

This evening we had discipleship. It was a great visit, and kept in great conversation and discussions.


Lydia went into school, and I dropped the kids off at daycare and school before heading into work. It was planned to be a busy day for me... and that was true! KWFC's Cabin Fever Festival concert was scheduled for tonight, and there were a ton of things to do beforehand! Even though a bit hectic, preparing for the concert is awesome. I got to hear the groups do their soundchecks, plus mingle with them as well! And since my favorite group was there (GOLD CITY), it couldn't have been any better!

Lydia and the kids showed up in time for the concert, but since I was working it, I didn't get to spend much time with them. The concert was held at Remingon's, a former night-club/entertainment complex that is now owned by Ridgecrest Baptist Church. Our concert was "sold out", and there were 2,118 in attendance for the night... a record for the building!!!!  Oh yeah!

The concert was fantastic, both groups winning the crowd over. We couldn't be happier with the response we got! Lydia and the kids went home after the concert let out. I stayed around, selling a few things for the station, and then picking a few things up and re-organizing for tomorrow's encore. I then went got to hang out with some of the staff and artists before heading home and to bed. What a night!!!


I was tired. Lydia was as well. We all slept in, then got up and ate a late breakfast. There were some things to do around the house... weekend chores, etc.

The afternoon was nice, and the kids took a god nap. I left around around 3:30 to head to the Encore concert. While I was working the concert, Lydia got the privilege of babysitting two twin girls. Mysia and Malachi loved it! lol

For me, the concert was fantastic. The attendance was around 700, and I was able to sit and enjoy the program. It was more relaxing than the previous evening. Of course, talking with singers, and having the chance to visit with my ultimate singing hero (Tim Riley) was the highlight of the entire time. For a southern gospel music nut like me... it was another dream come true!

After the concert, I made a late weekly grocery run. The kids were asleep when I got home. What a week!


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