Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week Rundown (02/19/12-02/25/12


This afternoon I worked on restoring my laptop back to factory settings. It was dragging due to the multiple programs I had installed on it, and since I say how easy it was with my mother-in-law's laptop yesterday... I figured it was worth it.

After evening services, we attended birthday and anniversary dinner fellowship.


Since today was a holiday, Mysia went to the Boy's & Girls Club instead of school. She enjoyed the day there.

For the evening, we watched Netflix, and ate supper. I left the kids with Lydia and attended quartet practice. By the time I got home, they were in bed and Lydia was working on homework.


This evening was a nice time at home. Mysia worked on her homework. After supper, I let Mysia and Malachi take turners playing some educational games on the laptop.


Today was nice, and we had a good evening services. Mysia had a few pages left on her homework, so we made sure she accomplished them before bed. Malachi was an active little dude. He wasn't ready for sleep.


After getting home, we allowed the kids to play on their scooters on the driveway for a while. It was a great way to get them wore out. Once the sun went down, it got cold, so we headed inside and got supper going. We spent the evening together as family time before putting the kids to bed. 


We enjoyed the evening... Lydia worked a little later, so I picked up the kids and let them play on their scooters until Lydia got home. Just like last night, we spent the evening together as family. This time, I picked the movie "Hook" from NetFlix. It was one of my favorites when a kid, but I wondered how they'd take to it. At first, they were a bit frightened, but toward the middle, they really got into it. Lydia and I had fun watching their expressions during specific parts.


We got up and got the house in order. I told the kids that they could play outside if their rooms were picked up... it worked! Lydia had to go into work, so it was the kids and I for the afternoon. We enjoyed the nice weather outside as they played. Lunch and nap-time went well. After naps, we watched 'the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog' until Lydia came home. We had supper and then I went grocery shopping.


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