Friday, February 3, 2012

Boycotting JC Penny??? Why...?

I've heard and read posts about boycotting JC Penny stores. Why? Because they've hired comedian Ellen DeGeneres as their company spokesperson. There is an online petition by a group called group called "One Million Moms". They declare that the company is doing so to offend the traditional family.

Truthfully, I personally think that it's in bad taste. JC Penny is not doing so to offend or push an agenda. They've re-hired a comedian to help sell their product, they didn't do show support for the 'gay community'.

I believe in fighting for things that are right. I just think that people are going after the wrong things. If you're really wanting to put a voice somewhere, try it when voting! Are you really voting for someone you believe in, or just playing the party line. Voting for someone you don't agree with, only because he's still not as bad as the other... the lesser of two evils?

As I had posted over a year ago during the McDonald's boycott... if people are so concerned about big companies supporting the homosexual movement, they'd better do some research. But then again... after they started, they wouldn't be able to finish. Both Apple and Microsoft contribute to several 'gay and lesbian' groups. That means the product you're using to read this information is made (or using an operating system that is created) by one of these companies.

Don't be a negative.... be a positive!  2 Timothy 2:24-25


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