Thursday, February 23, 2012

When I Feel Frustrated

At times, I get frustrated. We all do. Everybody gets that feeling, and they all deal with it in different ways. Thanks to the internet (facebook, twitter, blogs), people use it as a tool to dish out or air their frustration. Although it may give some temporary relief, its can come back to haunt you. Plus, there is a great chance to hurt friendships and how people think of you.

Now when it comes to frustration, I tend to hide it. You may never know unless you’re around me a great length of time during a time of frustration over a matter. Lydia is probably the only person who can tell when I’m deeply troubled over something.

When it comes to a project I’m working on, I tend to take a ‘time out’ and walk away, putting my mind on something else. That tends to be the best option.

People, and their actions, tend to cause frustration as well. Especially thanks to social media like facebook. Some of the things people do, say, and write can get me frustrated. I often want to tell others “THINK!!!!!” Instead, I will write my thoughts down... most often in blog format. I’ll then wait a few days, re-read it, think it over, and then take one of two actions: delete it or post it. I tend to delete it. However, there have been a few times that a reoccurring frustrations will end up becoming blog posts. Those rants have usually been well thought over before posted.

How do you deal with frustration?


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