Thursday, December 6, 2007

Kids' Dr. Visit

On Monday we took the kids to the Dr. - Malachi for his two month checkup and Mysia for a follow up on her ear infections. Both went really well, Mysia no longer had any fluid in her ears which was a big praise. Malachi is developing perfectly, he's in the 50th% for his age, in both height and weight. He's 24 in. long and weighs over 11 lbs. Unfortunately there isn't anything we can do about his cold, on the other hand, we are fortunate that it is just a cold and not anything more serious. The Dr. also suggested giving him a little cereal to help him not spit up so much and it seems to be helping. It's also helping him sleep all night. Hooray! He's been going to bed at 9:00 and sleeping 'til 5:00, which means Mommy is getting more sleep to and feeling much better. Well he's waking up so I've got to go.

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