Thursday, August 2, 2007

Howdy Folks

Just a few Lines to get you caught up on everything that we've been doing this summer.
For those of you who don't know we bought a house this April. It's a cute, little three bedroom house, it has 1 and a half baths, an attached 1 car garage (which has been turned into Matt's music room and the family exercise room). It also has a beautiful yard and we were given a fort-swing set and have bought a wadding pool (that Mysia absolutely loves) so we try to get out at least for an hour each day.
Mysia's growing like a weed. She talks non-stop and has really gotten into playing pretend. Her favorite movies are Curious George, Dora, Veggie Tales, and Elmo's Potty Time. Speaking of which, she has finally "mastered" the use of the Potty, at least during the day, she still wears pull-ups at nap and bedtime. She loves to sing and dance and play games and is very smart. I think the highlight of her summer was getting to be a flower-girl at Uncle BJ and Aunt Ana's wedding. In fact just the other day we were washing her bed-sheets and she drapes it over her head and arms and let's it trail out behind her and is walking around prissy like and says "Mama, I wedding, I wedding like Ana" I could not stop laughing, it was so cute.
Matt is keeping busy with work and church activities. He still works for Bass Pro but just recently got a promotion to a Designer Position, which means more pay and more benefits, where he gets to be more creative in his work. He's also very busy at church mostly as a fill-in helping when others are sick or on vacation, he helps with the power-point presentations and drives the vans as needed. He also helps with any graphics that the church might need. We also just finished VBS for this year. Being the directors (along with his parents) was a little stressful especially since it started on Sunday right after BJ's wedding on Saturday but it was fun even if the boys won the penny offering and I got pied :). The whipped cream actually tasted good :). But it did scare the daylights out of Mysia, she couldn't believe Daddy would actually do that to Mommy. It took her a while to get over it. Matt also keeps busy doing yard work and fixing things around the house.
I think that I have been the busiest person in this family. I started Babysitting again the beginning of July, I have two infants, Mia who is 9 weeks and full time and Aaron who is 11 weeks and only part time. Both of their mothers work for Bass Pro and contacted me through Matt. They enjoy the convenience of being close to their work (we live about 15 min. away) and the low rates and I enjoy being able to bring in a few extra dollars and still stay at home with Mysia. I'm also taking more tax classes this year for H&R Block so that I will be eligible for rehire this next tax season. Combine that with all the work of keeping the house clean, cooking, keeping Mysia entertained and getting ready for Malachi to get here ( just a little over 6 weeks to go) and I am one busy person. Add in all the stuff I do at church and I wonder how I get anything done.
Speaking of Malachi, the doctor says that everything is going good. I felt him turn the other day so he's now pointing up and down instead of laying sideways. I was having some contractions over the weekend not close enough, hard enough, or consistent enough to be labor but enough to make me uncomfortable and miserable. But I though I'm getting to the point that things are getting uncomfortable I'd much rather he wait until closer to his due date. Mysia told me today she was going to give me a baby for my birthday (Aug. 18th) I would rather not share my birthday with him, but that would be better than him being born on our anniversary and anyway God knows best and he will be born when he's born. I've gained right around 10 lbs. with this pregnancy which I am very proud of and hope that it doesn't go much higher then that.
Anyway that's what we've been up to this summer we'll update more as time goes on.


Katja Müller said...

Hallo Lydia, Mensch das ist ja toll was ihr da wieder am PC fabriziert habt! So so, Malachi Lee soll der Kleine heißen, klingt wie ein Indianername (wie damals Abahatschi), naja, musst du wissen...ich hoffe der Junge leidet nicht zu sehr unter dem Namen...aber Moses hat es ja auch überlebt ;)
Es freut mich zu hören, dass dein Mann beruflich so gut voran kommt, auch mein Mann hat jetzt den Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit gewagt. Ansonsten gibt es hier nicht viel Neues, am 2.9. kommen meine Eltern nach Spanien um uns 2 Wochen zu besuchen.
Na dann...alles Liebe und Gute für dich! Gruß an Matt und die Kleine

Deine Katja (die gaaanz oft an dich denkt)

Unknown said...

Hey Lydia.....
Is that in German?
Love Ya,
Your sis. inlaw,