Saturday, September 15, 2007

Malachi Update

We haven't had much sleep yet, hopefully we will later!

Malachi was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice, so we didn't get to even held him until 8am! He was pale, and having respiratory problems. But Malachi is ding fine, he is pink now and breathing pretty good. We are were having some time getting him fed (well, Lydia is anyway!), but thats not too unusual with newborns! We've got to hold him several times, and have passed him around to friends and family who have stopped by.

So far, Mysia has only seen him through the nursery window (his temperature was a little low when she was here). So we're hoping that the next visit of hers later this evening will have better results. She was excited, but a little restless waiting in the room. Oh, but when we were commenting on Malachi when looking through the nursery window, Mysia must of thought we were being too loud, because she turned around to all of us and said, "Shhhhh...! Be Quiet... he's sleeping!" LOL... two year-olds are sooooo much fun!


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