Thursday, September 20, 2007

Malachi's Birthstory

Well, after six weeks of having contractions off and on, I woke up Friday, September 14, 2007 around 4:30 am feeling very uncomfortable. It wasn't until I got up at 6 that I realized what it was, I was having contractions, but since we had all the false alarms I sent Matt to work, promising to call if anything changes. Boy, was I miserable. By 4:30 I was calling Matt to make sure he didn't decide to pick that night to work late. After he got home and the kids got picked up we took Mysia to Granny's and headed to the hospital. We got to the hospital around 7:30- 8:00ish checked into Triage, where they put me on the monitors and checked me I was between a 2 and 3 so the doc on call decided to let me walk the halls for an hour and see if there was any change after that. So we walked, by the time the hour was up I was stopping ever 2 min to breath through the contractions. We went back to the triage room and the nurse checked me again, not much had changed, but after listening to me try and breath through the contractions and being unsuccessful at hiding my pain the nurse convinced the doctor that it would not be a good idea to send me home and it was a good thing too, by the time they got me moved to the Labor and Delivery room, had my blood drawn and got my epidural (about an hour and a half) I was dilated to a 5. The doc came in and broke my water and I napped a little. At about 2:30 am I was an 8 and some of the nurses got a little ahead of the game and got all of the stuff out and ready for the delivery, sending everyone but Matt out of the room. It was about an hour later when my epidural was beginning to wear off and I started feeling the urge to push, unfortunately the doc was in the middle of delivering twins, so they made me blow through the contractions and stay laying on my side, with my legs closed, that was really hard because I could feel him sliding down and I couldn't stop it. Finally the doc got there and they flipped me on my back, which made me get sick and vomit, but then I was able to push and felt him slip out. The next thing I felt was some thing wet splat on my leg, the nurse brought the towels over so they could lay him on my tummy but the doc sent her straight back over to the warmer with Malachi then we heard a weak cry. Matt told me he had the cord wrapped around his neck, twice. They whisked him away to the NICU where he stayed for the next 5 hours. But now he is doing great and we are home recooperating

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