Thursday, April 3, 2008

Growing Pains!

Well, Malachi and Mysia just keep growing and growing. Sunday night while I was getting Malachi ready for bed he reached out and grabbed the bars and pulled, he had done this before but this was the first time he succeeded in pulling himself to his feet. As you can see in the pictures he was really proud of himself.
Malachi is also cutting teeth. He has about 6 teeth just below the gum line which is making him absolutely miserable. Matt says it's the weather (my wisdom teeth are bothering me too) I just hope they come in soon (the solution for my pain is a little easier, I get my teeth out the middle of May).
Mysia is doing good as well. It always amazes me how well she remembers things. She does school 3- 4 times a week and is doing a fabulous job learning to write her letters and numbers, and most days she colors inside the lines and has an excellent choice in colors.
She is looking forward to starting Tae-Kwon-Do classes with Daddy soon.

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