Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Baby's Growing Up!

Well, as the title says, Malachi is really growing up. I've been trying to get him used to drinking milk (2% mixed with vanilla yogurt) from a cup or bottle, since he was only nursing 2-3 times a day and I wasn't producing enough milk to stock pile for when I have my surgery. Anyway, he had been adjusting well, but when he woke up in the middle of the night (yes, the little stinker still wakes up at least once in the night)he wanted to nurse. Well last night he ended that, I tried to nurse him and he wanted nothing to do with it, then when I offered him his bottle he went to town on it, so no more nursing. Yea, now Daddy can get up with him during the night too!
He's crawling everywhere now and trying to pull up on everything, he has one tooth and the second is not far behind.
I'm glad to see him developing in a timely manner, but I do hate to see my baby grow up!
~Lydia ~

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