Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Oral Surgery

Well, today was the day. I got all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. Ouch!
My day started when Malachi woke me up at 5:30am, he needed a clean diaper, a bottle and some cuddle time with Mommy. He went back to sleep about 6 and mommy went back to bed for a few more minutes. At 6:30 I woke Matt up and we got ready for the day. We left the house at 7 to drop Malachi off at Granny's (Mysia was already there from spending day at co-op with Granny) we made it there by 7:30, dropped off Malachi and said hi to Mysia and headed on our way. We arrive in good time and soon I was called to the back. They asked me a few questions, hooked me up to the monitors, started my IV, and the last thing I remember is the nurse saying she was going to put the oxygen mask on. I vaguely remember getting in some sort of seat (either the wheel chair or the car, not sure which) I sort of woke up when we stopped at Dillon's for Matt to fill my prescription. Matt said I told him to go to Dillon's and even corrected him when he got in the wrong lane! I don't remember any of it. haha
When we got home I went straight to bed and slept for several hours, when I woke up I needed my pain pills but have been doing alright since; no vomiting and no embarrassing moments while under anesthetic (at least that Matt's told me about), so all in all I'd say it was successful.
As to the rest of the family, Matt's taken the rest of the week as vacation to help me if I need it, and we may take the kids to the park or Zoo either tomorrow or Friday, we also have to clean house, good, because we're hosting this month's class activity for our Sunday School Class, Friday evening.
Mysia can recognize most of the letters of the alphabet now and enjoys being a big sister.
Malachi had an episode where he wasn't tolerating his milk well so he's now on soy formula, not my choice but it stays down. He get's tired of his big sister pulling on him all the time, just when he gets himself pulled up on something sissy decides he's in her way and pulls him down. However when sissy wasn't home by bed time last night he was quite miserable so we called Granny and had them get on Skype and use Granny's new web cam so he could see and talk to Mysia, he got so excited and squealed and giggled with her for a good 10min. Then he was ready to settle down for the night, slept all through the night to.
Well I've got to go, more later.

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