Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Week Rundown! (05/12/13 - 05/18/13)

I didn't drive the church van on Sunday, and helped the kids serve Lydia breakfast in bed for Mother's Day. We then took showers and got ready for church services. For lunch, we met my family at Hong Kong Garden. They have an excellent buffet with plenty of choices to keep everyone happy. We then returned home and took naps until time for evening services. After church we met Lydia's family at Rib Crib. The kids loved drawing and playing the games on the menu while we visited.

On Monday, Lydia picked up Mysia and took her for a playmate at the park with a friend school before piano lessons. Aunt Adria come over for a visit . Mysia worked on some homework, and Lydia studied for her finals for most of the evening. We watched some tv during supper, and the kids got their showers before bed.

Lydia had her first final Tuesday morning. She then studied for the rest of the day before picking up the kids and coming home. Malachi discovered that the plumber had installed the toilet! Great rejoicing was in our house. LOL! After supper, Lydia met with a classmate to study for one of the finals. The kids took their showers and Mysia completed her homework for the week before I played Mario Kart Wii with them. They are getting pretty good at the game, and can be a challenge on several of the races. It got up around 87 degrees, so the windows were open with the attic fan trying to cool our house for the evening.

Mysia had a field day at her school on Wednesday. There where some outside activities, Andy's Frozen Custard, and a movie. She enjoyed her day. We attended evening services at church and then came home to bed.

Thursday was nice at first, then it rained. I spent most if the day at the golf course helping with the BBC tournament. Lydia picked up the kids after her last final. It was also Mysia last day of school until fall. They had supper and showers before I got home.

Friday was a day off for me. Lydia found out when she dropped Malachi off at daycare that it was the lady day! Due to loss of income and cost of running, they decided to close operations. That gave us a hectic day of phone calls trying to figure out what to do with Malachi for the summer. Before noon I took one of friends, Becca, to get her drivers license. She passed with no difficulties! I was able to find a gas station that had not jumped up in price before meeting with my friend Doug for an afternoon of fishing. I was able to catch (and release) 20 bluegill. Lydia got off work and we met at home for supper. Lydia worked on the menu for the weeks ahead and put together a shopping list.

We got up early on Saturday, ate breakfast and packed up out fishing gear. We then headed to the Family Fishing Day activity put on by our church. The kids fished... Unfortunately, we didn't catch anything but a few water turtles. But it fun to be able to do something as a family. After lunch and a few more tried at catching some fish, we packed up and did a grocery run before heading home. The evening was a bit relaxed, but we did showers and some house cleaning. Before going to bed, we watched some home movies from 2005 when Mysia was a baby.


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