Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Week Rundown! (09/01/13 - 09/07/13)

The church vans didn't run in Sunday since it was the holiday weekend nod many of the can drivers were out of town. Lydia and I has spent our last night in Eureka Springs and traveling back that morning. It rained most of the way. We spent the afternoon at my parents' house before heading to evening services. I took part in the drama performance... It went well. We visited more with my parents and my grandma before heading home and going to bed.

Since Monday was Labour Day, we slept in. It was also our 10-year wedding anniversary! Breakfast was a little late, but Lydia made biscuits and gravy with eggs. We brought out the fancy utensils and plates, and made it a special meal. The kids played nicely for most of the day. We did some unpacking from the weekend, some housework, and the kids took naps. We had Rib Crib for supper and watched the "Sound Of Music" before sending the kids to bed. Lydia and I worked on the finances and budget.

After classes on Tuesday, Lydia went grocery shopping. I picked up the kids once I left work and we all met at home. Mysia practiced her piano and Malachi picked up his room while groceries were put away and dinner cooked. Malachi had  brought home his first homework assignment. It was tracing circles. Once shown, he said, "oh... This will be easy." Mysia's homework was reading portion of her library book. Lydia worked on her homework for the entire evening. Before going to bed, Malachi picked out a book and actually read a book to me (with help on a few of the bigger words). He did very well. Mysia spent some time writing in one of her notebooks. She's determined to finish a "book" that she's been wanting to write.
School went well for the kids on Wednesday. It was "fun night" for our children services at church that evening. The kids even got to enjoy a bit of the outdoors.

On Thursday evening, I attended the men's Bible study at church. Lydia and the kids worked on homework, and then they played before bed. Lydia had a few projects that she worked on for most of the night.

Friday went by fast. I got a new prescription of eye-contacts, and can see a bit clearer. Malachi came home with a "caught being good" paper. He was thrilled. After supper, I met Sam at church and recorded piano and vocals for three songs. I'm going to eventually choose one to submit to Cathedral Family Reunion contest by the end of the next week. Lydia and the kids spent the evening together playing the Nintendo Wii before bed.

On Saturday morning, Malachi and I woke up, ate a quick breakfast, and headed out to the Men's Beast Feast hosted by our church. There was shooting, archery, a hiking trail, and more. I took part in the trap shoot competition, my first. I didn't place, but it was fun! We had a great lunch by Rib Crib, and enjoyed the devotion. Malachi got to shoot at the BB Gun range with his friends, and we went on a hike in the hot afternoon weather before heading home. Lydia and Mysia spent the day going shopping and visiting some stores at the mall. They had lunch and Mysia got a haircut. They arrived home tired as well. We ate leftovers for supper and watched a few episodes of "Saved By The Bell" during the evening.


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