Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week Rundown! (11/10/13 - 11/16/13)

Sunday was exciting. After morning services, we had our friends Ken and Linda over to talk about and plan for our upcoming cruise trip in January. They are going, so we went over the itinerary and what all we'd be doing on our vacation. It's gonna be fun!!!

On Monday,  Malachi lost another tooth at supper. He had been wiggling it for several days. His toothless grin is fantastic. Both kids finished their homework and had wanted to read and play before bed. Lydia was again working on her homework and I dealt with trying to back up some computer files.

Lydia attended iMom on Tuesday, which is breakfast with the kids at school and encouragement the mothers. That afternoon, I went with Lydia as she visited a sleep doctor. We found out that there is a good chance she has "sleep apnea" and it could be the cause of her occasional tachycardia. We'll be looking into this in the near future to see what she needs to do. We picked up the kids a little earlier than normal and came home for supper. The evening was spent working on projects (like finances) and spending normal family time together!

On Wednesday, we came home, ate supper, and then headed out to church for evening services. We didn't stay up too late once we got home.

Thursday was exciting!!! Lydia got news that she's been hired at BKD in May. That evening we headed over to school to attend the "Superhero Math Academy"! It was giving us an hands-on experience with how "Common Core" has been implemented in grades K through 2. We were impressed. The teachers were excited in showing the useful tools they have in teaching the kids. The emphasis on learning and creativity is great! The kids and I came home and worked on some of the school crafts while Lydia attended the church's ladies' meeting for a Thanksgiving dinner. The kids were asleep when she arrived home.

After work on Friday, we met with the PTA. We then picked up the kids and attended our friend Noah's singing recital. We then visited with friends at Dairy Queen before heading home to bed.

We woke up Saturday morning, ate a quick breakfast, and headed out to see the new VeggieTales movie, "Merry Larry". It was a fun film, and we enjoyed it. We then went to TaeKwonDo class. It has been a while, so it was good to be back. We came home, had pizza for lunch, and the kids rested while Lydia and I got our weekend house chores accomplished. The kids took turns playing games on the laptop while we watched tv and worked on our projects. We stay busy!!! :)


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