Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week Rundown! (10/27/13 - 11/02/13)

Sunday was fairly normal. Malachi went to Men's prayer breakfast with me, and spent the afternoon with Granny and Granddad. After evening services, we attended the birthday and anniversary dinner. I lost half a tooth while eating.

It was back to the normal schedule on Mon day. After work, I took Mysia to piano lessons. Malachi and I waited patiently in the car. We met Lydia at the school for a meeting with Mysia's BRIDGES teacher. She is doing very well in her class! That evening we did chores and watched some videos before bed.

On Tuesday, Lydia and I visited with both of the kids' teachers after work. We got some excellent reports, and we're thrilled with their progress. We had a great supper, and then went over homework. Malachi read "green eggs and ham" while Mysia wrote a he real letter to the troops for her class. After the kids' showers, they watched some Garfield before bed.

Early Wednesday morning, Malachi woke me up. He had went to the restroom, and on his way back to his room, his loose tooth popped out. He couldn't find it. A quick search, and I found it near his bedroom door. He was thrilled all day about it... even taking it to school! evening, we went to church. After services, the kids participated in the "trunk-or-treat". They dressed up as Queen Esther and Prophet Malachi. Since it had been raining all day, the adults stood in the foyer to hand out the candy. We came home with a good variety of treats!

Thursday evening was family night. After supper we got things cleaned up around the house and then watched tv... Eating candy!

The kids didn't have school, so they went to boys & girls club for the day. Lydia was sick, so she stayed home and rested. She spent the evening at home with the kids while at worked at the big southern gospel concert. I enjoyed being able to visit ether Greater Vision & Soul'd Out Quartet. It was a big night, announcing next year's concerts, selling the new discount card, and enjoying the concert experience!

Lydia was still feeling sick on Saturday, so she didn't want to go anywhere. I was still tired from the long day before, although energized, or on a music high (concerts do that to me). The kids played for mist of the morning and watched two episodes of cartoons. After lunch, the took naps while I did a grocery run. The kids had their showers, and we spent the evening watching the movie, "Mirror, Mirror" before bed.


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