Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week Rundown! (10/20/13 - 10/26/13)

On Sunday morning, Malachi and I got up and left to run the church vans. Mysia's friend had spent the night, so they had breakfast with Lydia, and then headed to church for Sunday School. Mysia was so happy to have her friend with her, and was introducing her to everyone. During the afternoon, we all took naps... both kids were tired. We attended evening services and then came home and watched a movie before bed. Mysia had a hard time getting to sleep. I had some stomach problems.

After having a difficult time sleeping, I woke up on Monday around 4am with Malachi hollering my name. He had thrown up in his bed. I took him to the bathroom and we got cleaned up and bed remade. He said he felt better, but shortly afterwards, it happened again. I then had him sleep in our bedroom, where it helped when it struck once more. I ended up staying home with both kids while Lydia went into work. We rested for the first half of the day, but afterwards, both were feeling great and practically bouncing off the walls. After supper, I tried to get outside and mow the lawn. It was very cool, and getting dark quick. I was able to finish, but hopefully next time, I'll do it before the sun goes down!

Tuesday evening we decided to take a family outing to see "Monsters University". The kids had completed their homework, so it was a surprise for them. Thanks to Malachi, we missed a few sections of the movie by having to visit the restrooms.

On Wednesday, Mysia got to go on a field-trip with her BRIDGES class. They took the city bus to the Discovery Center, where they got to dissect a sheep's brain. She thought it was awesome! Mysia is really enjoying learning about the brain and it's functions. She was very excited about it, and talked about it when she came home. We attended evening services at church, and then headed over to Grandma Taylor's house to visit my great-grandma Irene, who has moved here to stay.

Thursday was "Pastor's Appreciation Day" for my work and the other Christian radio stations in town. We held a Luncheon for the pastors in the area, and the guest speaker was Michael Card. It was neat getting to hear him sing as well. We then got to go to hear him in concert that evening. Michael is very knowledgeable in the Bible, and Lydia and I both enjoyed the presentation.

We were tired on Friday, and the work day seemed to drag on. I got off a little early, picked up the kids, and played some ball outside until Lydia arrived at home. We met up with the folks from our Sunday School class at church and traveled to the corn maze. We cooked hot dogs and ate desert before venturing into the cornfield. It was Mysia and Malachi's first time to visit a corn maze, and they enjoyed it! Our group got "lost" at the end, going around in circles, which added to the fun!

We woke up Saturday and headed out for Lydia's chiropractor appointment, and then dropped her off at the doctor for a 4 hour glucose test. The kids and I headed out to Tae-Kwon-Do class to watch our friends test for their next belt. We've been so busy over the past month that we haven't been able to attend classes. Afterwards, the kids and I spent time at one of the parks in town. It was a good time to let them burn off some energy. We picked up Lydia and headed home. The evening was spent at home getting things done and enjoying the time together!


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