Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Week Rundown! (10/06/13 - 10/12/13)

Sunday was pretty normal. I drove the church van and sang in the morning services. We didn't take naps during the afternoon, so the kids were a bit tired during the evening services. Before going to bed we had some hot chocolate since we've had some great cool weather.

On Monday, I took Mysia to piano lessons after work. Lydia had zumba class, and the kids worked on homework. We watched a few episodes of "Mythbusters" and let the kids play before bed. Lydia worked on homework for most of the evening.

Tuesday was a beautiful day. The kids worked on homework and played for most of the evening. Malachi and I read a book on snakes, and he was able to make out most of the words on his own.

After work and school Wednesday evening, we met at home, ate a quick supper, and headed to church. Children's' services went well, and afterwards I practiced with the men's group. Before heading home, we stopped by the hospital to congratulate our friends Travis and Megan on the birth of their firstborn son!

Lydia didn't have classes on Thursday, but was able to meet up with her class group for a meeting on the project their working on. She had lunch with me at the BBC cafeteria. Lydia picked up the kids, and headed to my parents' house for a visit. Malachi and I (along with my dad) attended the Men's Beast Feast at High Street Baptist.

On Friday afternoon, I got to spend a lunch/date with Lydia at the mall. It was nice for us both to have a break away from work for an hour without the kids. After work and picking the kids up, we attended a PTA meeting at the school. There are several things coming up that we're helping with.

It rained early Saturday morning. We visited Lydia's chiropractor to see what suggested for her pains and numbness in her arms. We attended balloon release for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day/Month held by Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death (MEND) (www.mend.org). We have a local chapter in Springfield, and we recognized the three miscarriages we had between Mysia and Malachi. Back at home, I found that we had a flat on the van. So I changed it with the spare, and Lydia started on some yard work. Lydia attacked the bush/tree in our front yard, and we had a decent brush pile by evening. We then headed over to Lycia and Jordan's home to celebrate Lycia and Moses' birthdays. We visited with Lydia's family and ate pizza and cupcakes.


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