Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week Rundown! (09/22/13 - 09/28/13)

Sunday afternoon was fun. We had Lydia's siblings over for lunch between services. We ate, visited, and the cousins' played. Our house was crowded, but it was worth it. That evening, Roy Tremble sang at church. It was neat being able to hear him again!

Mysia didn't have piano lessons on Monday. Lydia attended Zumba class and we had a good evening at home.

I worked later on Tuesday, so Lydia picked up the kids after her classes and we all met at the kids' school for "Open House". As part of the PTA, we encouraged other parents to get involved. We visited Malachi's classroom, got to talk to his teacher and see the progress he is making. He showed us some of his artwork and explained how he's doing on a behavior chart set up to track the students' acts of kindness in the classroom. We then made our way to Mysia's classroom. She showed us how organized her books were and we also talked with her teacher.  

Wednesday went by fast. Abigail came over and spent some time with us before church services.  

Thursday, after work, Lydia met at the Boys & Girls Club to attend the "open house" while picking up the kids. That evening, we worked on the painting of the kids' pinewood cars. Mysia and Malachi did a very good job.

Friday evening was spent getting the pinewood Derby cars ready for the races Saturday. We then played Chinese checkers.

Saturday was the "Day At The Races" at our church. We got to view some classic cars that were parked on the parking lot. The kids and I entered in the pinewood derby races. Unfortunately, neither of us placed. But we did have a good time. Back at home for the afternoon, we watched some home videos. Before going to bed, we played some Mario Kart. I also found out that one of my external hard drives went out... possibly losing some precious data I had backed up on it. We'll see.


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