Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week Rundown! (09/29/13 - 10/05/13)

Sunday morning was men's prayer breakfast. In the morning service, our men's group sang "Alpha & Omega". Malachi spent the afternoon with Granddad and Granny. After evening services, we stopped by Sonic for some milk shakes as a treat for the end of summer!

On Monday, Lydia went to the career fair at MSU and, got her résumé out to several companies. I took Mysia to piano lessons after work. Thankfully the weather was nice since Malachi and I waited in the car. We had tacos for supper, and Malachi and Mysia had showers afterwards. Mysia had homework to do, and Malachi i working with learning words by sight.

Lydia picked up the kids after school on Tuesday, and then stopped by work to get me. We ate supper at Wilson's Chuck-wagon BBQ for supper. The restaurant was celebrating 2 years of being in business, and offering their delicious meals at half price for the day! Once home, the kids got their showers and we worked on homework.

Wednesday was an interesting day. A man who had made threats to a local college caused Homeland Security to put several of the colleges and public schools under lock-down. This included BBC and also the kids' elementary school. The police were able to arrest the man, and the lock-downs were lifted by the time school was dismissed! That evening, we had "fun night" at church, which included a lesson, fun games, and a snack.

After supper on Thursday, we headed out to Sam's Club to purchase some snacks for PTA and then did a little shopping at Wal-Mart. By the time we got home, it was past the kids bedtime!

Friday went by pretty fast. We attended a birthday party for Malachi's friend Josiah. We ate pizza and ice-cream. The kids played in the huge sandbox while us adults visited. The weather was cool and comfortable, so it was nice to spend the time outside.

We woke up to rain on Saturday. However, we still attended the Walk 4 Life for the Pregnancy Care Center. It was a great turnout! We had fun, but also got wet. Once home, we changed into dry clothes and Lydia did some shopping while the kids and I worked on cleaning their rooms. We had a restful evening. We watched some movies and played some games!


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