Saturday, February 15, 2014

Week Rundown! (02/02/14 - 02/08/14)

We got up Sunday and did van routes before morning services at church. We took naps in the afternoon and also attended evening church services.

Malachi was sick on Monday, so Lydia stayed home with him so he could recover. She took advantage of the situation by working on homework the entire day. I took Mysia to piano lessons before coming home for supper.

We woke up Tuesday with notifications that Springfield Public Schools were closed due to impending weather conditions. The kids spent the day at the Boys & Girls Club while Lydia and I went to work. Lydia stayed busy with her college classes later that afternoon. We spent the evening watching the "Creation Vs. Evolution" debate streamed over the internet.

School was closed again on Wednesday, but Lydia still had college classes. Evening services at church were cancelled, so we spent the evening at home.

The kids had school on Thursday, so it was a typical schedule for the day. However, due to the fact that Lydia's surgery would be the following day, Lydia and I spent our time at our jobs making sure everything was done before we left. We spent the evening getting ready for the following day at the hospital.

We woke up early Friday morning and got ready to leave. The kids came with us as Lydia checked in at 7:30. We waited for a bit and the kids said their goodbyes before I dropped them off at the Boys & Girls Club. I returned and spent most of the morning waiting with Lydia for them to take her back for her heart procedure. Once completed, the found it was more than one problem. Besides the nerve, they took care of a flutter that was also causing it. In fact, a tachycardia was starting when they took her back. She recovered pretty well, and we were expected to go home around 6pm. However, due to nausea from the medications, Lydia was held a little longer. We were happy to make it home and she went to bed. Mysia and Malachi were picked up by Granny and got to spend the night. That evening, Malachi lost another tooth! He was thrilled.

On Saturday, we woke up late after a good night's sleep. Since the kids were with Granny & Granddad, we had a quiet evening. Lydia spent most of the time in the recliner resting, but did get to do some homework. We watched some of the Olympics. When the kids came home later that afternoon, our house was once again alive with noise and action! In fact, it was filled with laughter. Some of it had to do with the fact that we watched a few hours of America's Funniest Videos.


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