Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week Rundown! (02/16/14 - 02/22/14)

I drove the church van route Sunday morning, and after the morning services, we took naps during afternoon. Lydia worked on some homework. Evening services were good, and we enjoyed the Birthday and Anniversary Dinner fellowship afterwards. Once home, we got ready and went to bed.

After work on Monday, I took Mysia to piano lessons. The kids worked on homework that evening, and we watched some tv and spent some family time together before bed.

I got to have breakfast with the kids at school as part of the "All-Pro Dads" program on Tuesday. It's an encouraging way to get dads involved in their kids' lives. The weather was so nice, that after I picked up the kids, we went for a bike ride before getting Lydia from college. That evening, we kept a watch on the news after hearing about the abduction of Hailey Owens. Come to find out, the kids and I were only a few blocks away from the guy's house while bike riding.

Wednesday was sobering. We woke up and read about the news on Hailey. We found out that we know some of the family and relatives of her. That added to the sadness. Then there was the sicking feeling throughout the day with the details coming out. Services were good that evening, and it was nice to fellowship with friends for a bit. Lydia worked on homework late into the night.

Thursday was cold and windy, but I took the kids biking after work while we waited for Lydia to finish her classes. We had a blast, and the kids enjoyed being able to bike up and down the parking lot at the park. After picking up Lydia, we came home ate hamburgers and watch some TV before going to bed.

Friday was a very busy day for me. It was the Gold City Reunion concert, and I had a lot to do at work. Lydia picked up the kids after finishing her work and we met at the concert. I didn't get to spend much time with my family, since I was busy working with the artist and helping work the concert. It went very well, and I had a great time. The kids spent the night with friends from church, and Lydia and I got home after midnight.

Lydia and I got to sleep in a little bit on Saturday. The kids were away, but Lydia still had to work. After taking her to work, I did some grocery shopping, and then she went and worked and studied at college for the afternoon. We caught up with our friends, the Farnsworths, for supper. Lydia spent the entire evening working on her class projects. We watched the live streaming of Hailey's candle-light vigil over the computers. Mysia spent the evening and night with her Aunt Abigail.


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