Thursday, March 6, 2014

Week Rundown! (02/23/14 - 03/01/14)

We woke up Sunday morning and dropped Lydia off at my parent's house before Malachi and I headed to Men's Prayer Breakfast at church. We then did the van rought for morning services. That afternoon, we had a quick lunch before Lydia headed out to meet with her class group to work on a presentation. Before evening services, we attended the wedding shower of Sam and Madisen. Our friends, the Farnsworths, attended the evening services, and before we returning home, we visited with them at Braums.

Lydia was sick on Monday with the cold, so she stayed home to rest and was able to work on homework as well. That afternoon, we got our new over the stove microwave installed. Mysia had piano lessons before we came home, and after supper we went over to Memaw's house to visit with Uncle Silas, Aunt Kristi, and Cousin Gideon... along with the rest of Lydia's siblings and family.

Lydia and the kids attended the "iMoms" breakfast at school on Tuesday morning. It had gotten cold throughout the day, and the kids were disappointed that I wouldn't let them go bike riding after I picked them up. We headed home and they worked on homework while I prepared supper. We picked up Lydia from class and then Sam. He visited for a while, and we both worked on some computer projects we had been meaning to get together on.

On Wednesday, we woke up with a "dusting" of snow on the ground. Mysia went to "Pride Choir" at school before classes started. She's excited to be a part of a few things in school. Church services were nice that evening, and afterwards, we picked up Lydia from classes and headed home.

The kids wanted to play outside after I picked them up after work on Thursday, but it was too cold. We came home and they got their homework done before we picked Lydia up from classes. Once home, we ate supper and they played before going to bed.

Friday was a bit hectic. We thought we were going to get some severe winter weather, but it dodged us. Lydia attended PTA meeting after work, and I picked up the kids before she got out. We then headed to church to meet up with our Sunday school class. We ate dinner and played games until late. The kids enjoyed the time together with their friends as well.

We got up and ate breakfast on Saturday before heading to taekwondo class. Lydia stayed at home to get things done. Once we made it back, Lydia headed into work for the day (since it's tax season). The kids and I ate lunch and got several things done around the house. They watched some tv and played some games. Mysia got to go to her friends house for over an hour before supper. Malachi helped me install the new faucet in the second bathroom (something I have been meaning to do for over a year now). After supper, the kids got showers. Malachi also got a haircut!


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