Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Week Rundown! (03/02/14 - 03/08/14)

We woke up Sunday morning to ice and snow. It was declared to hazardous for church vans, and services were cancelled as well. We took advantage of the situation and slept in. We had pancakes for breakfast and enjoyed the entire day at home. It turned out to be a nice relaxing family day. The kids played, Lydia and I organized the kitchen cabinets, and we watched a few movies too!

Because of the ice, schools were canceled on Monday. Lydia went into work while I watched the kids for most of the day. Of course, I was on-air during my afternoon shift, and the kids got to spend time with Granny and Aunt Abigail. I visited as well. Mysia's piano lessons were cancelled and after picking Lydia up from work, we came home and ate supper.

Tuesday was back with the normal schedule. I picked up the kids after work and we ate supper before getting Lydia from her college class later in the evening. The kids did some homework before going to bed.

On Wednesday, Mysia had a sore throat. So after I picked her and Malachi up, we dropped Lydia off at classes and then headed to the clinic at Walmart. We waited for about a hour, and they did a test to see if she had strep. Thankfully, the test came back negative. We were told that she needed to drink plenty of liquids, eat popsicles, and get some rest. By the time we left Walmart, it was too late to head to church services for the evening. We returned home, ate supper, left and picked up Lydia from classes, and then got ready for bed!

Thursday was pretty normal. That evening, the kids and I ate supper and then picked up Lydia from class. We stopped by the mall to exchange clothing for Mysia. Once back home, the kids got showers, we did some reading and then went to bed.

Friday was the beginning of Spring Break for the kids. No school! However, Lydia and I had to work, so they attended Boys & Girls Club for the day. After work, we came home, the kids ate supper, and we dropped them off at Granny's for the evening. Lydia and I had a date night planned. We had dinner at Fire & Ice Restaurant. We even dressed up for the occasion. The kids watched a movie and had fun before we picked them up and came home.

Saturday was a little dreary, weather-wise. Lydia went to work, and while the kids and I attended Taekwondo class. We came home and had lunch and then did some grocery shopping before picking up Lydia. We had promised Malachi that if he had improved his behavior on focusing while at school, we'd treat him to a movie. Well, it worked, and we all went to go see Lego movie in 3D. Yes, it was awesome. I really enjoyed the moral point in the movie as well. Once back home, the kids got ready for bed and I changed clocks in preparation for Daylight Savings Time.


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