Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Week Rundown! (07/13/14 - 07/19/14)

On Sunday, we woke up and attended morning services. For the afternoon, we had a wonderful lunch and spent some family time reading and movie before evening services.

After work on Monday, Malachi and I took Mysia to piano, and it was nice weather. Lydia attended and during the evening the kids played nicely together and watched some tv.

Tuesday, more beautiful weather and we had the window open (in the middle of JULY!). Lydia made spaghetti and we enjoyed a relaxing evening.

Wednesday was pretty normal. Before going to bed, we read stories.

On Thursday evening  we ate a quick supper, had a meeting with a fellow graduate of Lydia's, and then came back home. The weather was nice and we enjoyed garden cucumbers and relaxed.

Once home Friday evening, the kids played on the Wii while I mowed the lawn. We had a fast supper so that Lydia and Mysia could do the grocery run. Malachi worked on some house work while they were gone. We put away the groceries and watched classic tv before bed.

Saturday was busy but fun. We took the opportunity and slept in a bit. The kids enjoyed some morning cartoons and then played a few games on the Wii. After lunch, we packed up the bikes and then visited the library while Lydia did some extra shopping. The kids found several books, and participated in a few of the activities they had set up in the children's area. We drove to the park and took to the trail on our bikes through the north-central part of town to another park. Thankfully we brought our water bottles. We had fun, but was tired when we got home. We ate grilled hamburgers and watched a movie (Star Wars 4).


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