Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Week Rundown! (06/22/14 - 06/28/14)

On Sunday we got up, ate breakfast, and headed out to visit our friends Noah & Courtney in Aurora for the day. We attended their church services. The kids really liked the classes, and we got the opportunity to hear Noah teach the teens in the youth department. For lunch, we got to visit and eat at Angus Branch Resturant ( That evening, we let the kids play in the pool before it got too dark.

Monday was rainy. The kids had fun visiting the park during the afternoon. I picked them up after work and Mysia had piano lessons before supper. Lydia attended her zumba class before coming home. We attended a funeral visitation and then came home for the evening.

The kids got to go swimming on Tuesday afternoon. We had supper and enjoyed some TV before time for the kids to go to bed. Lydia and I watched a movie before we turned in as well.

Mysia brought home a hummingbird feeder on Wednesday evening. She was excited, hoping that we'll someday get a few around our neighborhood. We ate a quick supper and made it to church on time. After services, we came home and relaxed for a bit until bedtime.

On Thursday evening, Lydia attended a Trim & Healthy Mama class. I emptied the kids' pool, washed it out, and refilled it. They played for several hours after supper. Both got bit by mosquitoes, Malachi had several huge bites on his back and legs. They were wore out, and after showers, went to bed.

I got off work a half early on Friday. We came home and ate leftovers. Lydia and Mysia went to a baby shower for a friend. Malachi and I spent the evening playing Legos and watching a Star Wars Lego movie.

Saturday was nice and relaxing for the most part. We got off to a rough start getting up, but we had a great breakfast and got things done around the house before heading out to the library. We were able to get a few things that we had placed on hold and the kids picked up some more books. The rest of the afternoon was out and about town doing some shopping to grab a few things we needed for Sunday. We had planned to go see the fireworks downtown, but the event was cancelled due to the weather. The evening was spent watching a few movies and eating watermelon!


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