Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Week Rundown! (08/03/14 - 08/09/14)

We woke up Sunday morning, ate breakfast, and headed to church services. During the afternoon, we watched movies and rested.

On Monday, Mysia got to attend the Price Cutter Champion Junior PRO-AM with the Boys & Girls Club. She learned from a pro on how to play golf. She even came home with a trophy. Lydia had zumba classes after work, and the kids and I ate supper before she arrived home. That evening, we watched some TV.

Before heading in to work on Tuesday, I went to vote. Both Mysia and Malachi behaved well while I did my patriotic duty. :) It was the last day of the summer for the kids to enjoy the public pool with their Boys & Girls Club group. Both came home "wore out", but not tired…. according to them. We ate supper and then went to the visitation of friend, Reese Way. Lydia and the kids have been really wanting a dog, so we looked at a few puppies that are looking for a home. It was fun watching 6 pups tackle the kids. We walked away with some decisions to be made by the end of the week.

On Wednesday, I took off work so that the kids could go to the funeral with us during the afternoon. Lydia went in for a few hours and then met us at church. I was a pallbearer. The funeral was well attended. The kids and I ate lunch at home. They played and did some crafts. After evening church services, we came home and watched tv before bed.

Thursday was back to work. Mysia had an ear ache so I picked them up early and gave her some medication before dropping them off at Granny's for the evening. I had made the final decision on going ahead and getting the dog, so Lydia and I did some shopping after supper before picking Malachi up later in the evening. Mysia spent the night.

I took Malachi to the boys & girls club before heading into work on Friday. Mysia spent the day hanging out and shopping with Granny. I got off work a little early and bought did food before picking up Mysia. Lydia got Malachi after work and met us at home. I grilled hamburgers, we ate, and then headed out to pick up the puppy. Originally named Butterscotch due to her color, she now goes by Buttercup. We bought her home and the fun has begun! Sam and Madisen, along with their dog Galloway, met us at home. We set things up in our backyard and got Buttercup familiar with our family. Is was a long evening, and we were tired when we finally got to bed.

I woke up after 1am Saturday to take Buttercup "potty". She whined when I put her back in her carrier. I sat up a while, telling her to stop when she'd start again, and finally I was able to sneak to bed. Lydia got up early and took her for walk around the block. We ate breakfast, put the dog on her leash in the backyard, and headed to see the new VeggieTales movie as a family. The silly song was about Larry getting a puppy, go figure.we came home, played with buttercup, then took her to the Vet for shots. I mower the backyard before it rained. Abigail and Granny came over for a visit, and meet Buttercup. That evening, we watched Star Wars and Mysia got sick with headache and vomiting. She felt better before bed-time. We were all tired.


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