Monday, June 18, 2012

Week Rundown! (06/10/12 - 06/16/12)


After morning services, we ate a quick lunch and headed to the surgical center where Mysia will have her tonsillectomy on Friday. They had a pre-op party to show us the surgical room and answer any questions we had. We dressed up in the suits... looking like funny astronauts!


We had a nice supper, and I headed out for quartet practice. The kids were good for Lydia. They played nicely before bedtime. By the time I returned home, they were in bed.


We came home and I fired up the grill. Grilled chicken turned out very good! Mysia got to hang out with Aunt Abigail this evening. They went to see "Mirror, Mirror" at the movies. They both had a great time. At first, Malachi was a bit disappointed that he didn't get to go, but we ended up giving him enough activities at home with us to make him happy.


This evening went well. Supper was quick and we went to church. After services, we came home and went to bed.


We dropped off Malachi at my parent's house for the evening, that way he could spend the day with granny during Mysia's tonsillectomy tomorrow. We ended up visiting for several hours.  


We got up early and made it to the surgical center by 6:25 for Mysia's tonsillectomy. We didn't have to wait too long, and she was back getting ready. She got dressed in the gown, and the had me get into the suit. Mysia had chose me to go back with her to the surgical room when they put her under with the gas. While waiting, Mysia talked, read, and played the Gameboy. The surgeon came out and prayed with us before we headed into the surgical room.

Once in the room, they transferred her over to the surgical bed and I held her hand as they put the mask on. We talked about the zoo for a few minutes, and then her eyes rolled back. She was out. I then met Lydia in the waiting room. It didn't take too long of a wait, and we were soon by her side. She had awoke, but was not feeling the best. She was nauseated and uncomfortable.

We spent a few hours waiting for her to fully wake up and get ready to go. She vomited once, and wasn't too keen on drinking much other than water. Once we got home, Mysia and Lydia went to sleep. It had been a long morning. I then did a quick grocery run. Several ladies from church stopped by with gifts and food.

Malachi had a great morning with Granny. On his stay, he had swam, watched cartoons, and ate sugary junk food! When he was dropped off at home, he was wired! I packed up our camping/fishing gear, picked up Granddad and Doug, and headed out to the lake for the church camp-out!

Once the tent was set up, we went fishing. We didn't catch anything and Malachi got bored fast! Back at the campground, we snacked and visited. We finally went to bed after 10.

Lydia and Mysia ended up going to Granny's to spend the night since Mysia wanted to hang out with her Aunt Abigail. She was feeling pretty good, and was a able to watch movies and play some games on the Wii before bed.


Mysia woke up fine, earlier than Lydia, and watched cartoons. However, she got nauseated a few times and vomiting. Lydia ended up getting prescription for her, and Mysia was able to get more rest in the afternoon.

Malachi and I got up around 6:30, packed up the tent, and he played with the other boys while I visited. We had a great breakfast and got to go out on the lake for a boat ride before lunch. Malachi and the other boys played with the firewood and got super dirty. But they had fun.

We enjoyed the devotion and had a great lunch. The fried fish was awesome! After making sure everything was packed up, we headed home. We were all tired!

Once home, we rested and enjoyed the evening at home. Popsicles and pudding were good! Mysia was feeling much better, and was a bit drugged. Malachi got a good shower, washing all that dirt off!


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