Monday, January 21, 2013

Week Rundown! (01/13/13 - 01/19/13)

On Sunday, it was determined too icy to risk running the vans for church. The van is not the easiest to control when there is black ice on the roads, and we want to put safety first when dealing with the transportation of kids. The highlight for the day was Malachi getting baptized after morning services. He was so excited. He was jumping up and down, like usual, and we were afraid he'd jump right in if given the chance! We took naps in the afternoon. Evening services were also good.

Lydia started her college classes on Monday... Of course, that also means a new schedule. Monday evening, I rushed home with the kids and had them take showers while I worked on preparing supper. Lydia got off of work at 6. I was able to get Abigail to watch the kids for the evening while Lydia and I attended KWFC's Bowling Night. We didn't do the best on scores, but had fun anyway.

After classes on Tuesday, Lydia did the big grocery shopping. I picked up the kids. Mysia worked on homework while I prepared tacos for supper. Once Lydia arrived home, put up the groceries and ate supper. We watched some tv before sending the kids to bed. Of course, Lydia had homework as well.

Wednesday evening was a bit rushed. Lydia's new schedule for the semester has her getting off from work at 6. So I got the kids, rushed home, prepared a quick supper, and we ate. Once Lydia arrived home, we packed into the van and headed off to church with Lydia eating on the way.

Lycia agreed to watch Mysia and Malachi while Lydia and I snuck away for a date night on Thursday. Lydia and I decided to try out HuHot Mongolian Grill. We had to wait for a bit to get in, but the food was great. It was nice to be able to spend some time together... just the both of us.

Friday was a 'fun night' at home. We ate and watched TV for the most part of the evening. I also read a chapter from "Narnia: The Magician's Nephew" to the kids before sending them to bed.

Saturday turned out to be very busy. After waking up early, I started getting things ready for putting in the new stove in the kitchen. John Bingham came over and helped. Okay... he did most of the work. He's handy at carpentry, and was able to cut room for the stove to slide in between the cabinets. If I tried, I would have botched the job. I did work the water line for the fridge, but had a few complications later.

Lydia left for work, and then took her IRS test later on in the afternoon. She was stressed out over it, but she passed! After installing the stove, the kids and I headed off to church to participate in the new Taekwondo class being offered for free. Yes, my brother Sam is the instructor. We're wanting to get involved... myself for the exercise, the kids for discipline and self-defense.

After lunch at home, the kids napped while I worked more on getting the kitchen put back together. Once Lydia was done with her test, she came home and worked on the reorganization too. She's happy that she has more room in her kitchen!


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