Thursday, February 28, 2013

What "Salvation"?

Sometimes the neatest things happen to bring on great conversations with my kids. Even a simple answer can bring big topics up. I try my best to keep the answer on their level, and sometimes it begins with something humorous!

The other day, I was driving home after picking Mysia up. The radio was playing, and the song "Know So Salvation" by Legacy Five came on. I was singing along when Mysia interrupted me.

"Daddy...?" she asked in a concerned voice.

"Yes?" I replied.

She continued, "Why are they singing about a 'no SNOW salvation'? What's wrong with snow...?"

After my laughing spell, we talked about her 'knowing' Christ. Once explained, and the answer revealed, she was once again. She then told me how she can now explain it to her friends.

Oh, what a funny girl!


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