Monday, June 24, 2013

Week Rundown! (06/16/13 - 06/22/13)

Lydia woke up Sunday morning around 5 with a fast beating heart. Yes, she had another tachycardia attack. We tried several things to get her heart beat back to normal, but to now avail. After dropping the kids off with Granny, we headed to the ER. On the way, it finally started to go down. What a scare. We headed back home and she relaxed before morning services at church. We spent the afternoon with Lydia's mom and siblings. We watched the Flinstones, took naps, and talked wedding plans. After evening services, we enjoyed the birthday & anniversary dinner fellowship.

Monday back to the regular work week. Mysia had piano lessons before supper. The kids played and we did chores before the kids went to bed. Lydia and I stayed up and watched the Hobbit.

We had "Family Day" on Tuesday. We got up and got ready for free day at the Zoo. It was a bit crowded, but we got to most of the animal exhibits. The weather was nice, so we enjoyed the time. We even rode the train that went around the pond. For lunch, we went to McDonald's. Then it was back home for some rest and naps. It sure felt good! To finish our day, we went swimming at one of the public pools. For the first hour, it wasn't too crowded at all. Mysia spent most of her time at the diving board. Malachi was happy swimming around the fun water works. That evening, the kids took showers and we lazed around the house while watching AFV on Netflix. Malachi didn't last too long before falling asleep on the couch.

Wednesday was nice, and we had a good evening at church. Since many were at youth camp this week, attendance was low. I got the privilege of running media for the services.

I got up and headed out for a normal day on Thursday. However, when I arrived at work, it was hot! The AC was out. Yuck. Mysia had a fun day at Boys & Girls club. Lydia spent the day home with Malachi. They picked up Mysia later in the afternoon and visited the library. We had supper, the kids read and played games, then  ate some ice-cream before bed.

On Friday, Mysia had the privilege of going on a field trip to the Titanic museum in Branson. She was so excited about it, and talked about the adventure when she got home. I got off work early and took the chance to try out the driving range at a local golf course with a few of my coworkers. It was my first time and I stunk! After a quick supper, we met our Sunday school class at the bowling alley. All the families had fun playing a few games, especially the "glow bowling". Mysia and Malachi did very well.

We had a lazy morning on Saturday. Since taekwondo class was cancelled, the kids watched cartoons and we ate a late breakfast. We then tackled the house, getting all chores done and rooms picked up, before some late afternoon naps. The kids played for a bit, and then during supper we watched "A Little Princess". While the kids took showers, we watched a Roy Roger's movie, "Sons of the Pioneers".


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week Rundown! (06/09/13 - 06/15/13)

I was tired when I got up, but made it to church in time to run the van for morning services on Sunday. Malachi was a little slow getting ready, so it put Lydia behind on getting to church. Services were good, but the weather was humid. We had a good rest in the afternoon before returning to church for evening services. Afterwards, we visited for a bit before returning home.

On Monday, the heat started to arrive in our weather. We all had a great day‚ pretty normal. It was a bit hot sitting in the car while Mysia had her piano lessons though! The evening was pretty much the usual as well. The kids played and Lydia and I did the daily chores. After the kids went to bed, we watched an episode of "The Bible" on DVD.

Tuesday was a nice day for Lydia. During the summer, she has both Tuesday and Thursday to spend at home with Malachi. This will give her some time for stress relief from college, and the ability to get some things done she's put off due lately. I got up, dropped off Mysia and went to work. Mysia got to go swimming with the Boys & Girls Club. Lydia and Malachi spent the morning at home doing activities like play-dough! After lunch, Lydia went to the dentist for a teeth clean and then she took Malachi to the library. The evening was nice, the kids read books to fill up the chart from the library's summer reading program. After supper, we talked about the activities the library wants the kids to do, and which ones that we wanted to tackle. Both were excited with the prospects of things to do this summer, it was more difficult to get them showered and ready for bed.

Wednesday was pretty normal, nothing to exciting. Church services where nice, and the kids sat with us. We're trying to get them to learn how to behave in the main services, so far so good! Malachi was doing a word search and was upset because there he found all the words except the one at the top of the list.... "Find"!

Lydia spent the day at home with Malachi on Thursday, although they did a little bit of running around to the bank and store before lunch. Mysia had a field trip to the MSU Agricultural Center. She got the chance to milk a cow! That evening, I mowed the lawn after supper and took a dip in the waging pool with the kids. We found it to be a bit slimy, so we dumped and moved it to another location. It was them showers and bed!

Friday was different. I got up and when into work at 5am so that I could help participate in the KWFC Golf Tournament. Lydia got up later with the kids and actually made it into work a bit earlier than scheduled. My afternoon was spent taking and printing pictures of the golfers at Murder Rock near Branson. The evening was restful for me... After supper, I fell asleep on the couch!!! The kids watched Netflix and played. Lydia worked on the menu and grocery list, a task not easily done.

Saturday morning was rainy. We attended Teakwondo class and then Lydia went to the church ladies' meeting activity. The kids and I went home for lunch and naps. It rained, so we didn't get to go swim like we wanted to. Lydia made a grocery run before we headed over to my parent's house for supper and visit. Us guys had planned to go clay shooting, but the rain had also drenched that idea. We visited for the evening and then got home for showers before bed.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Week Rundown! (06/02/13 - 06/08/13)

Sunday morning I got up and ran the church van. Mysia got to spend the afternoon with Granny. Malachi, Lydia, and I has a restful afternoon at home... We took naps. After evening services, we came home and kids are ice cream before bed.

On Monday, the weather was a bit humid. We all had a good day, and the evening went well. Lydia worked on homework and the kids picked up their rooms. I checked the ground outside, and since it wasn't too soggy, I decided to mow. While doing so, I set up the swimming/wading pool Lydia had bought for the kids over the weekend. They were thrilled. Once it filled up, both played in it. The water was cold, but they didn't mind.

Tuesday evening, I installed the storm door we had bought from friends at church. It took a while to get it in place, and once installed, Lydia locked it. Unfortunately, the mechanism got jammed and the door wouldn't unlock! I had to take off the frame and get some tools out to pry it open. Needless to say, we won't be locking it until I get the door jam fixed for the lock.

Wednesday was a bit cooler and we got some rain. Mysia got to go a field trip to the nature center and learn about bugs. Lydia took her final for her three week college class and passed with a B. I took of work a little early and went to the doctor to got my three stitches removed from the wound on my hand. Mysia spent the night at Granny's after church.

We had fun on Thursday! The kids got to go with Granny & Granddad to Silver Dollar City. They rode rides until the amusement park closed. Mysia was tall enough to ride the new "Outlaw Run" roller coaster.... Her first! She was so excited. Malachi was also thrilled that he was tall enough to ride a few without an adult accompanying him. After work, Lydia and went out on a dinner date to Outback Steakhouse since we didn't have the kids. We enjoyed the time tighter. Before heading home, we stopped by an AT&T store and was able to trade our old iPhones for newer models without any extra cost! When we picked up the kids, they couldn't stop talking about the fun they had.

Friday was a big day... I took the day off from work! Lydia got up and she dropped Mysia off at boys & girls club before heading into work. Malachi and I spent the morning packing our fishing and camping gear. We left and headed for Stockton Lake. Once there we set up our tent, ate lunch, and went to the dock to fish. Malachi got bored after 45 minutes, so we went to back the campsite and roasted hotdogs and marshmallows. We got to spend time on a pontoon boat fishing before evening came, and I even caught a fish! Lydia was able to get off work early, so she picked up Mysia and they went shopping. They spent the evening at home watching movies and making cookies.

Malachi and I woke up early on Saturday, since it got down to 52 degrees! Brrrrr! We spent the morning around the campfire after eating breakfast. Malachi wanted to go to the lake for a swim, but it was too cold. Instead he played with friends until lunchtime. Lydia and Mysia had a nice morning at home before heading out to friends' house to let the girls have a make-over. After lunch they attended a tea party birthday. Malachi and I enjoyed the fish fry lunch with 70+ men from church… it was good! Malachi fell asleep during the devotion, and took a nap on the way home. I was a able to unpack most of our camping equipment before Lydia and Mysia arrived back home. Malachi and I took quick showers to wash away the "camping smell", and we all spent some time outside in the wading pool. We ate supper and played Mario Party that evening before bed!


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Week Rundown! (05/28/13 - 06/01/13)

I woke up on Sunday and ran the church van for morning services. Afterwards, we spent the afternoon at my parents house. We ate supper, the kids played, and we viewed my grandpa's grave. We sang a few songs before heading back to visit some more. We enjoyed a message from a missionary during evening services, and then spent the rest of the evening at home.

Since Monday was Memorial Day, we stayed home. There were several things around that we aimed at getting accomplished for the day. The kids got to play in the sprinkler outside before taking showers and getting to bed.

Tuesday was back to work. That evening was pretty relaxed, nothing too exciting.

On Wednesday, Lydia found a box turtle outside her work so she thought it'd be fun to bring home. It escaped in the van during her drive home. The kids were thrilled with the thought that we may have a new pet. We fed it some grapes and a carrot. After church services, we returned home and let it loose in our backyard.

Thursday evening brought severe thunderstorms that flossed our back yard, so I didn't get the chance to mow. Abigail came over after we got home from work and hung out for the evening. We watched some tv shows and played Mario Kart. Lydia worked on her homework.

Friday was another day of thunderstorms, and our backyard was flooded! Lydia worked on menu and budget‚ I had the kids help with some of the weekend house chores. I also got a few projects done I had been trying to work on. We also watched "Extreme Couponing" on Netflix‚ Mysia was intrigued.

On Saturday morning the kids got up and played while Lydia and I slept in for a bit. Once up, we got breakfast going and got ready for the day. We attended taekwondo class and then came home. Lydia ran out to get the grocery shopping done while I got the kids lunch and down for a nap. I then worked on a few things around the house that needed fixed. The kids helped with putting up the groceries and then I put them on a fun project. I encouraged them to make "coupon" of their favorite items and then play "store". That kept them busy for the rest of the afternoon. We had our friends, Noah and Courtney, over for supper and visit. I grilled hamburgers and we enjoyed the long visit. The kids played and watched a few videos before taking baths and going to bed.
